European Art Classroom: Back from Belgium

Posted by European Art Classroom


To break things up a bit, this is a group blog, and being visual artists, we'll let the images, and drawing, for the most part, speak for themselves. The vast majority of photos are taken by Thomas.

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

(Photo - Thomas Johnson)

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Thomas 22: Immediately upon arrival I was in awe. Everywhere I looked was its own unique photo with perfect composition. The mix of architecture spanning from several centuries was fascinating to me. Seeing such beauty both human made and natural was enthralling. 

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Trin 22 - Hands down, Ghent is a place to be, a city of graffiti combined with old school architecture, making the European history long lasting through modern collaboration and appreciation!

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Ella '23 - Ghent is a sliver of heaven. Sitting on the canal overlooking the Flemish architecture skyline, while conversations float around you in four different languages. The scent of waffles and chocolate wafts through the air. Ghent is an approachable city, it feels real, yet it still maintains a charm. We also had several near death experiences navigating the cobblestone roads while trams, bicycles and cars weaved in and out. The city felt like home somehow, the people were enjoying life and they were content.  Everything was seemingly perfect. 

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

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Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Sophia '22 - Throughout our time in Belgium we had encountered many famous paintings and created many memories that'll last a lifetime. The configuration of the buildings were jaw dropping and one of a kind and I am looking forward to experiencing more in due time. 

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Johnny '22 - I may have lost my bag but it's the price you pay for a great week!

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

David Fleming -- Probably rarely #1 on the bucket list for many, when traveling to Europe for the first time or the 30th time, Belgium and in particular Flanders rears it's huge powerful artistic head and humbles us hungry artists. So much is intact, surviving the wars, lifting gently but with time honored confidence a mirror unto ourselves and our potential. Fairytales do exist. 

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Kara '22 - I drew this page during Ella's birthday dinner on the placemat in the restaurant. The waiter was kind enough to bring over some crayons and we all got to work on our different sketches and drawings as we waited for our food to arrive. 

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Jennifer Fleming - When I'm in Belgium, I feel like I'm "home"...switching between speaking my two strongest foreign languages: French and Dutch - depending on which city we are in that day. The bikes, the coffee culture, knitting and really good art...what a magical week we had!

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Mason '22 - Seeing the Ghent Altarpiece was incredible. I loved the architecture within the cathedral and learning about the history of it. Ghent truly is a fairy tale city. 

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Unlike Paris and the Louvre or the Uffizi in Florence, this is what one can enjoy in Belgium when you're lucky. Sometimes there may be a few people, but Shhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

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