Proctor Academy Achieves US Ski and Snowboard Gold Certification

Nov 7, 2022 2:07:32 PM

Since the 1940s and 1950s when all students were required to ski during the winter months, Proctor Academy’s identity has been rooted in snow sports. Today, the school is proud to announce that U.S. Ski & Snowboard has named Proctor Academy a Gold-certified club, the highest honor granted by U.S. Ski & Snowboard. 

USS/FIS Program Update: Saas Fee Training Camp

Sep 1, 2022 10:47:12 AM

While it was ninety degrees and sunny in Andover, New Hampshire yesterday, the ski season never truly stops for Proctors USS/FIS ski program. Over the past two weeks, twenty-three athletes and four coaches traveled to Saas Fee, Switzerland for an intensive training and team bonding experience, all while immersing themselves in European culture. 

Proctor USS/FIS: Mount Hood Training Camp 2022

Jun 15, 2022 1:51:50 PM

Proctor’s USS/FIS ski team traveled to Mount Hood, Oregon for their annual June training camp. The first of three pre-season training camps provided by coaches, the ten day Mount Hood camp affords students the opportunity to get on snow and work fundamental drills and skill development. 

Proctor on Snow: Embracing Winter Through Snow Sports

Feb 16, 2022 11:03:14 AM

When you choose to live in northern New England, you can either complain about the winter weather, or embrace. At Proctor, we choose to embrace it. With over half of our school (more than 190 students) on snow each winter, Proctor’s love for snow sports remains as deep as it has for almost a century. 

Proctor USS/FIS Alpine Skiing: Panorama Training Camp

Nov 30, 2021 4:36:35 PM

As the snow guns blaze at the Proctor Ski Area in anticipation of our students returning to campus, Proctor’s USS/FIS Eastern Ski program continues their two week training camp at Panorama Resort in Panorama, British Columbia. 

Proctor Alumni: Max Cobb '83 Applying Lessons on the World Stage

Oct 28, 2021 12:00:54 PM

When Max Cobb ‘83 enrolled at the Carroll School as a 6th grader who had recently been diagnosed with dyslexia, he was barely reading at a 1st grade level. Little did he know that the arduous work during those early years at Carroll would unlock a series of experiences that would define the next forty years of his life, including connections made at Proctor Academy that would lead him to Dartmouth College and a career with US Biathlon. 

Proctor USS/FIS Skiing: August on Snow

Aug 26, 2021 7:30:00 AM

When you love snow, you do just about anything you can to find it. Proctor’s USS/FIS Ski program engages in annual pre-season training camps around the globe, and this August found a group of U16 and U19 boys traveling to Saas-Fee, Switzerland for two weeks of training. The relentless pursuit of training opportunities for athletes has yielded remarkable results on the hill each winter, but the on-snow training is just a small piece of the overall experience afforded these students. Team bonding, dry land training, and cultural immersion are equally important to why our coaches, Athletics Department, and parents support these ventures. Read more from the coaches and students in Saas-Fee below. 

Proctor USSA/FIS Summer Training Camps: Laying the Foundation

Jun 9, 2021 10:39:19 AM

Temperatures on campus over the last three days hit 90 degrees with a humidity percentage matching that of a tropical rainforest. The thought of skiing or spending time on snow was about as far from our minds as possible. But that was not the case for the 18 USSA/FIS athletes and four coaches spending ten days training on Mount Hood in Oregon right now. 


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