European Art Classroom: Back at it and Family Weekend

Apr 26, 2023 1:42:40 PM

My mom came for Parents Weekend and it was a great time, she was really in her French moment. She lived in Aix when she was in college so it was very sentimental for her to come and see me living the French lifestyle. 

European Art Classroom - Finals Week

Feb 27, 2023 8:37:29 AM

There is nothing like coming home after a week of exploring. This time, however, we returned to our house in Aix, after a vivacious week in Madrid, realizing it was our last week at home. 

The Arts at Proctor: Three Dimensional Identities

Feb 25, 2023 11:14:11 AM

The Winter Term often finds us diving deeply into our own worlds. Perhaps it is our instinctive nature as the days get short and the weather colder, to pull into ourselves. We put our nose down, and, too often, our blinders up so that we can concentrate on that which lies before us: our classes, our teams, our dorms, our advisories. We can easily overlook the complexity of all that is happening on this campus until weekends like this one put the fullness of who we are on display. 

Mountain Classroom: Advice from Students

Jan 31, 2023 7:15:06 PM

After nearly two weeks in the backcountry with little to no service, Mountain Classroom checks in from Santa Fe, New Mexico where adjunct weekend allowed for a bit of down time and a check-in from Mountain Classroom Director Patty Pond and Academic Dean Derek Nussbaum Wagler. Maya ‘23 and Charlie ‘25 share a window into Mountain Classroom Winter 2023 in this week’s blog post. 

European Art Classroom: Paris W'23

Jan 30, 2023 7:59:24 AM

We woke up early on Monday morning in order to catch our train to Paris. Dave and Jen told us we had to be ready to leave at 7 and so I woke up at 6 to pack and get breakfast.

European Art Classroom: Week Two Adventures with Brian

Jan 23, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Not your usual week in Andover, NH. This week has gone by in a blink of an eye. The week started off by welcoming our head of school, Brian Thomas, into our small French family in Vauvenargue!

Proctor en Monteverde: Life with a Host Family

Jan 21, 2023 9:29:13 AM

Proctor’s term-long off-campus programs ask students to step outside of their comfort zones, while immersing themselves in new cultures around the globe. For six sophomores this winter, Monteverde, Costa Rica is home. Living with a host family, studying Spanish, history, math, science, and literature, all while exploring the most bio-diverse region of the world affords the experience of a lifetime. Hear from students after their first two weeks abroad in their reflections below. 

Mountain Classroom: A Guidebook to the Mountain Experience

Jan 18, 2023 8:09:27 AM
Proctor Academy's Mountain Classroom program enters its 52nd year of continuous operation as ten students and two instructors travel the American southwest. Following a two-week Winter Break, students reconvened in New Mexico and explored the Santa Elena Canyon and embarked on their first river trip of the term. Read Calvin '23 and Boo's '24 blog post below!


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