European Art Classroom: Back at it and Family Weekend

Apr 26, 2023 1:42:40 PM

My mom came for Parents Weekend and it was a great time, she was really in her French moment. She lived in Aix when she was in college so it was very sentimental for her to come and see me living the French lifestyle. 

European Art Classroom: Spring in Vienna

Apr 17, 2023 8:30:00 AM

Vienna certainly waited for us, as Billy Joel would say. We arrived and spring pulled itself over the landscape, reflecting pinks and purples against the cloudy white buildings.


Getting to Know the Proctor Community: Jennifer Summers

Apr 14, 2023 8:15:00 AM

Living in Colorado and working professionally as an actor and carpenter in the theater industry, Jennifer Summers moved to New Hampshire with her husband, and Proctor alum, Gordon Bassett ‘96 in the summer of 2013 not knowing how her career might evolve. Gordon had just been hired to take over Proctor’s machine shop from longtime industrial arts educator Everett Jones ‘49 and to coach kayaking alongside fellow alum Corby Leith ‘92.

European Art Classroom: Week Three Update Spring 2023

Apr 10, 2023 8:01:39 AM


On Friday, we went to a winery up in the foothills of the Alpilles, or the “Little Alps”. It was a warm sunny day, with a little bit of a breeze, and the trees are just beginning to leaf out again.

European Art Classroom: Spring 2023 1st Week in Review

Apr 3, 2023 7:32:25 PM
Upon arriving at Aix, we stopped by Paul for our lunch and proceeded to our home for the term. The moment we saw the house, we were fascinated by the gorgeous exterior and interior design. All of us fell in love with the house. 

European Art Classroom - Finals Week

Feb 27, 2023 8:37:29 AM

There is nothing like coming home after a week of exploring. This time, however, we returned to our house in Aix, after a vivacious week in Madrid, realizing it was our last week at home. 

The Arts at Proctor: Three Dimensional Identities

Feb 25, 2023 11:14:11 AM

The Winter Term often finds us diving deeply into our own worlds. Perhaps it is our instinctive nature as the days get short and the weather colder, to pull into ourselves. We put our nose down, and, too often, our blinders up so that we can concentrate on that which lies before us: our classes, our teams, our dorms, our advisories. We can easily overlook the complexity of all that is happening on this campus until weekends like this one put the fullness of who we are on display. 

European Art Classroom: W'23 Visits Madrid

Feb 20, 2023 12:52:30 PM

This week Euro ventured to Madrid, Spain. The week was filled with many art museums, friends, good food, and more.


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