European Art Classroom: Final Thoughts from Spring 2022

Posted by European Art Classroom


Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

What was the first thing I heard when I told my peers I would be joining the Euro spring 2022 group? “Why would you want to give up your senior spring”?

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

What was the first thing I heard when I told my peers I would be joining the Euro spring 2022 group? “Why would you want to give up your senior spring”? Well to answer this question let me tell you what happened during my senior spring. I gave up a term of half classes then embarked on my own senior project for the journey of a lifetime. I got to learn through Dave’s amazing slideshows and Jen’s phenomenal books of the artists throughout history. Then afterwards I would travel to the places we had learned about to experience the history for ourselves. I got to travel to three different European countries (France, Belgium, Portiagal) and experience their cultures. I spent a day wandering the corridors of the luev, spending a lunch viewing the splendid river that traveled through Ghent, Or exploring the seven hills of Portugal with my friends by my side not knowing where the next term would take us. The answer to the question of why I would give up my Senior spring? Because no matter what I was going to do it wouldn’t have come close to what I have done here.  Johnny '22

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European Art Classroom is an eternal lucid dream. A dream where no matter how many times you try to shake yourself awake the reality of it will never set in. You enter a mindset of utter bliss. The translation of learning about the art movements, the greats and their greatest works from Dave’s slide shows in the makeshift classroom to standing in front of the of the masterpieces is an incomparable miscellany of emotions. Rewind twelve years ago to my first art class in kindergarten, where my teacher assigned us our first project; replicating Monet’s “Water Lily Pond” this moment was my first taste of the world of art. To explain the feeling of standing in front of “Water Lily Pond” side by side with Kara is an impossible task. My cup was overfilling with joy at the full circle moment where the beginning of my journey and the present moment fused together. I will forever miss the morning commotion while excitement for a new day full of art and unplanned adventures drifts through the house. Thank you Jen, for extending your kind heart, creative ideas, and of course our shared love for Taylor Swift. Thank you Dave, for sharing your humor and contagious giddiness for life. Sitting next to Jen while belting out the lyrics of Sedona by Houndmouth on our way home from a Saturday night on the town is a core moment. Wheat field moments, the Ghent Alterpiece, Walks in the morning, Le Busse San courant, tour de falafel, Dave’s morning Juice, the clicking of Mason’s crocheting hooks; all of this, this lucid dream that is European Art Classroom will forever nest in my heart. - Ella '23

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program
This morning I looked out at the view that has become my home over the past two months. Even Apple Maps suggests Vauvenargues as my desired location. The dozens of kite gliders really have the right idea. Sometimes it really helps to look at life from atop a huge mountain. Each day may seem like the most important thing you’ll ever have to deal with, but taking a step back can sometimes remind you what the more important things in life are. From the top of the Tête behind our home, we can ever so often see the Mediterranean sea. If we don’t stop at the top of the mountain, we might not see all the things we could. So although I will be glad to see the familiar landscapes of my hometown, my view of Mt. Ste Victoire from the window of my temporary home will always hold a special place in my heart. I hope that someday I can return to Aix and join the hang gliders I watched in awe, and possibly, if I am so lucky, change my perspective.  Mason '22
Here’s to experiencing a new lifestyle, full of faith, growth & harmony. witnessing new cultures, customs & countries has allowed me to evolve, becoming a better version of myself.  Trin '22
When I thought about my favorite moments from Europe, I initially thought of the Louvre, the Gent Altarpiece and the imfamous works of art people dream of seeing. While the traveling and museum visits are something I will never forget, I will always hold onto the more simple moments that were shared with members of the group. Sitting in a wheatfield with Ella just pinching ourselves over the fact that we were in France even after the initial excitement had worn off. Or watching a cup full of sphere-shaped candy spill all over the floor at the movie theatre for the second time, from the same cup. Learning how to make every color from the few Dave had supplied us with, or having Jen’s enthusiasm for the French language inspire us to struggle and work through the language barrier in town and on the road made each day memorable. I can not express how grateful I am to be abe to take part in the European Art Classroom and a huge thank you to Dave and Jen for everything you two do for the program to make it so special!  Kara ‘22
Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Art Immersion Program

Time will always tick. There is no stopping time, and you can choose two things, let it fly by and do nothing or make the most out if it. We made the most out of our time on EAC by going on walks as a group, eating together consistently, having read alouds, venturing out and doing our own thing, telling stories, and more. We have made so many memories together and this group will always be in my heart. I am grateful for this opportunity to be apart of a program such as this one. There are always lows and highs but we made do with whatever came along. And with that said peace out. - Sophia '22


From studying art to making it and then going on the road to see what we've learned, you all were receptive to the magic of European Art Classroom. Some weeks were glorious, while others were challenging. Group dynamics will always be complicated, but you worked through issues to make the most of your experiences, and of each other. Jen and I are proud of you all and how you rose to each occasion. Bottom line, always try to find the beauty in every moment.  We wish you all the very best. -D & J


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