European Art Classroom: Poetry in Motion

Posted by European Art Classroom


As we celebrate National Poetry Month here in the States, Proctor Academy's European Art Classroom reflects on week three studying abroad in France in poem. Enjoy this piece from Rhyanne '18! 


Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

Rhyanne '18: 

Water splashes over the dull grey rocks,

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

Horizon line fuzzy; from sea to sky,

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

Paint brush on canvas,

Each stroke different from before,

Colors changing; always changing.

Oil pigments on the white canvas,

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

Scenery from eye,

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

To hand,

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

To canvas.

Proctor Academy European Art ClassroomBlues

Proctor Academy European Art ClassroomReds

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom Yellows, and Whites,

Beautiful paintings from everyone.

Wind blowing through the air,

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

Pushing poshod boxes,

Ocean spray,

Sunlight hitting,

Sun burns.

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

Blankets from picnic now for the sun,

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

Music playing through the air,

Laughter and conversation.

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

Food is delicious,

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

From sushi before

Proctor Academy European Art Classroom

The Russian Orchestra,

to strawberry tarts

Ending the week on a great treat.

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