European Art Classroom: Winter 2018 Prague and Farewell

Posted by European Art Classroom



European Art Classroom or "Euro" is all about intensive study, intensive together-living  and complete immersion within the arts. The arts we see, the arts we make and the constant natural and human made beauty we simply discover daily by accident.  Just prior to flying to Prague, we visited St. Rémy in order to say good bye to Vincent van Gogh and the hallowed ground where he painted Starry Night among many other great paintings. Finally, our adventure to the Czeck Republic. Towards the blog's end there are final reflections from each of the artists. Enjoy.





Near Les Baux-de-Provence.  


Sophie at the entrance of Saint-Paul de Mausole in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence.


Dantong painting at the entrance of Saint-Paul de Mausole. Vincent would walk down this very path. After his mental episode in Arles he checked himself in here and lived from May 1889 - May 1890. 


Beautiful Provence and our Sunday meal before leaving for the Czeck Republic. 



We arrived in the evening, which was fine with us, I mean look at this!


The following morning, a bitter cold journey across the Vitava River on the Charles Bridge, constructed in 1357.



Karly - Miss New Hampshire - Houghton finding her little pile of snow.


Inside the 9th century Prague Castle, is the Gothic St. Vitus Cathedral. A magnificant structure boasting the beautiful stained glass by Czeck artist: Alphonse Mucha. 




Later that evening a birthday dinner was in order for Emi Lu. Czech Beef Goulash in a bread bowl with potato gnocchi is something to admire. 



The next day was a visit to the National Gallery. From Mucha to Renoir you can get your dose of Realism and Romanticism to Art Nourveau and Post Modern.




Our last day was a day of liberty and going off in groups of two or more. Lots of promenades, photos, cinnamon rolls called Trdelniks, and painting. 








Student's Reflections:


Emma '18:

Two months completely flew by!!! I had never believed that I would be able to have the opportunity to live in France for two months doing art with amazing people! My experience has been such a blessing, as I feel that I stepped into this program as a different person and going home as a mature, experienced, and happy art student. I have learned what I am passionate about in art and in my life and that has always been something I have been curious about. I have learned that patience, kindness, and a positive attitude are crucial when traveling in a group. I have also learned that I am so thankful for this program. Having dedicated and patience teachers like Jen and Dave and how this opportunity is so unique!! How many high schoolers get to travel to France for two months and study art? Not many. I was so excited to travel to Paris, Florence, and Prague to experience different cultures, to enjoy spectacular art and delicious food! Aix en Provence has been my beautiful home for two months and although I am sad to be leaving I am looking forward to seeing my family! I have come back from this program with 9 amazing friends and one AMAZING and INCREDIBLE experience studying abroad and I could not be more grateful!!!


Sophie '18:

The last words I want to write for European Art Classroom are words of advice. Take on every opportunity you can, participate in every activity possible, and never sit on your phone. Euro has taught me to take advantage of my free time. Get yourself lost in a new city. Take risks. Find your passions and flourish in them. These two months have been a whirlwind of adventure that I am so grateful to have experienced. Whenever I travel from now on, I will always make sure to stop and appreciate the beauty around me; whether it's a lamppost or art in a museum. Inspiration exists everywhere, and now I have a more keen eye for it. Thank you!


Paloma '18:

I honestly don't know what to say. It has yet to hit me that this whole experience is over. Everything has happened too quickly and I haven’t had time to reflect. We are leaving Aix. We will no longer wake up to the orange skies of Provence; this is it. We will no longer have the long van rides filled with laughter and sarcasm. We will no longer get to make fun of Dave every day. These are the last few moments as a group, and that still hasn’t hit me. Tomorrow morning we are all getting on planes and going our separate ways.  Some of us won't see each other until graduation. We have all gotten so close and used to living, painting, cleaning, and cooking together that it is going to be strange to be separated from the rest of the girls. Although the program has come to an end, we will forever be the Euro gals to one another. 

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Grace '18:

Looking through the window, the future awaited. Paris, fulfilled with art masterpieces and tourists, nourished my spirit and cultural perspectives through the appreciation of arts and shopping. Florence, known for exquisite leathers and magnificent architecture, allowed me to be calm and astonished at the same time. Prague, our last trip before going home, drew my attention to the great artist Mucha with his smooth lines and harmonic colors. And our home, Aix-en-Provence, kept me on the daily routine in learning European history and literature from Dave and Jen (and bubble tea!). I will cherish this amazing and unforgettable journey throughout my life.


Betsy '18:

While reflecting back on our term in Aix, it is bewildering to see how far I've come since first arriving. I've grown in many ways, subtle or otherwise, that has helped me grow as not only an individual but a global citizen. My comfort zone has been stretched, my mind opened, and my strengths and weaknesses illuminated. I have heard, seen, tasted, and smelled some of the most extraordinary things the earth has to offer and for that I am eternally grateful. Seeing as this is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity, I have tried to embrace the uncertainty and live completely in the moment. Euro is a unique beast that has evolved through years of tinkering due to Dave and Jen's constant efforts. I couldn't imagine leaving Proctor with better memories than those that I've made here. On that note, I would like to thank the individuals who adventured with me this term. As the grandfather of Impressionism, Pissarro, once said, "Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing." We've laughed until we can't breath, meandered through cobblestoned streets in Florence, and shared the weight of groceries being hauled uphill. I cannot help but consider myself a truly fortunate individual, despite pondering where all this time has disappeared to. Something about the Provençal sun warps time so it seems like I arrived in the airport yesterday but also five years ago. Yet, now we are headed back to reality and to our family and friends (and my dog!). How incredibly beautiful.
Karly '18:
I honesty cant believe that I am going home in another day. It feels like I just got here but it also feels like I've been here all my life. I have become so familiar with Aix now and it will be weird to go home and not take the 11:15 bus into town and have lunch at a crepe stand. While I was here I have made so many new friends that I wouldn't have met at Proctor. I have been to so many places that I would have never imagined experiencing. My only hope is that further European Art Classroom students come here with an open mind, go with the flow and take everything in. Before you know you'll be running around packing everything and wishing you had just a few more days to do everything you wanted to do. I will remember this trip for the rest of my life and the people I have meet, the friends I have made, and the things I have done. Thank you.

Dantong '18:

I compressed our last week in Prague into a video (coming soon!), featuring cold air, trams, and Mucha. Hope you enjoy it! 
 Farewell Paul Cézanne.

Euro Winter '18

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