The last week of Fall Euro 2022 was a whirlwind of finishing up our books, plein air painting, and working on our carnets (sketch/travel journals). We went to our final French, art history, and literature classes on Monday and used the rest of the day to walk around Aix for the last time. On Tuesday we went to Dave's friend, Danielle’s vineyard. We had meant to do our last plein air painting there, but decided to work in our carnets instead.
On Wednesday and Thursday, we worked on our personal art and started to finish our books. This entire term we have spent two hours every weeknight working on our books. We designed, created, and researched every page of the books we created. Just this week, we finished the pages and finished the book.
On Wednesday we went to an art store to buy the materials for our book covers. On Thursday, Dave and Jen taught us how to create our book covers. On Saturday we organized all of our book pages and managed(or tried to manage) to hole-punch them for binding. Today, we all got together to learn to bind our books. Jen taught us all how to sew our covers and pages together in order to bind our books. We finished them today and are all super proud of how they turned out!
- Lillian '23
Seems like we just started a couple weeks ago and here we are on our final 3 day stretch at home. Throughout this term we have experienced cultures that most people don't have the opportunity to experience. That's why we are all thankful for Jen and Dave for making this such a fun educational experience for of us on this term abroad.
In our 8 week long stay, we have not only had the opportunity to call a beautiful French town home, but we have also been able to travel to places many of us wouldn't have ever stumbled upon.
Our 3 weeks that we were traveling throughout Europe allowed us to visit some of the best museums in the world, and also allowed us to further develop our cultural knowledge after visiting countries like The Netherlands, Spain, and luckily the country we called home, France.
All of us will greatly miss having this adventure as we return home to the states in less than a week. We are all so lucky to have had the chance to have such a great opportunity at such a young age. - Connor '24
I am so glad I was asked to be a part of this Fall Euro Group. It could not have been a more perfect term in my eyes. The week-long excursions, the promenades avec Daveed, and all the museums we went to were all so fun. I am so sad that it is over, but I will never forget these past two months living in the South of France with this amazing group. It could not have been possible without Jen and Dave. Jen, thank you so much for reaching out to me, and Dave, thank you for driving us everywhere, and both of you for helping me improve my art skills and making this experience possible and so incredible. Thank you both so so much, I will miss you both and will never forget this term.
R.G. 24'
When asked to write a simple paragraph for this blog post, I sat down staring at my computer for what felt like an hour. It’s not that I had nothing to write about, it’s that there was too much. How am I supposed to capture what it felt like to live here for the past two months in a single section? It is almost impossible to put this experience into words, but here is my best capture at it. It is not just the museums, the excursions, the promenades with Dave, it is the little moments that made Euro so special. It’s being together from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep every single day. It’s the van rides, with everyone sitting together singing along to our favorite songs. It’s the group dinners, the meetings, and the weekly trips to take out the garbage. It's the morning Rosetta Stone, Dave’s jokes during art history class, and the time in town. Even the challenges we faced were more manageable because we had each other, and we were a family. I will forever appreciate Jen and Dave for making Euro so special.
Ellie '22
Europe Art Classroom was the main reason why I came to Proctor. When I got on to this trip I was ecstatic, I was so excited to be able to go on such a cool program. This term has been amazing and I truly mean it. I’m sad that the term is coming to an end but I have learned and grown so much in the 8 weeks that I was here. Thank you so much to Jen and Dave and everyone on this trip, it was a fantastic experience for me.
Em '24
I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to go on European Art Classroom this past fall. I learned so much about art history, modern art, and my own personal art. Everyone here, including myself, has improved tremendously with our art. I loved traveling throughout Europe, and experiencing different cultures and speaking different languages. This experience was amazing because it was immersive and interactive with all different kinds of people around the world. I had so much fun with everyone in my group, including Jen and Dave, who made this experience unforgettable.
Sisi '24
As Fall Euro '22 comes to a close, I wanted to reflect. It has been such a fun term! If I could, I would rewind time just to do it all over again. The friends I made here will last a lifetime. Our education excursions, our carnet de voyage, our beautiful town Aix-en-Provence, and our en Plein air paintings will always be in my heart. I want to thank my Dad for always being a text away if I need something, and I would also like to thank Jen and Dave, without you guys I would have never have had this opportunity.