Proctor en Segovia completed their term abroad and have returned safely home after a nine week immersion experience. The power of living with a host family, exploring the city of Segovia, and learning about all aspects of the Spanish language and culture will continue to impact this group of ten students for years to come. Enjoy a final anonymous reflection from the fall Segovia group below.
Today was the last Thursday market. The golden sunlight highlighted each stand with its own spotlight. The potent smell of black licorice danced through the cold air around us. I passed by my favorite antique stand one last time. The cars in the usually empty street are zooming past. I realized the color of the fruit and vegetables in the stands resembles a rainbow as I walked by.
An enormous pumpkin stood cut open, with the seeds spilling out. I remember back to the first time I visited the market. It was warm and sunny, looking at the vendors I could see the beads of sweat dripping down their faces. As I stand here now, bundled up in a heavy winter jacket, I reminisce on the warm first days of the program. I remember the first few days, the uneasy nerves of not knowing anyone, the language, or the city at all. Now I know the city like the back of my hand and it feels a little like home. As I walk through the plaza, I think of how excited I am to be going home after three long months living thousands of miles away. But at the same time, I am sad to leave this experience behind.
The vendors are now all in jackets and gloves, and frost covers the windshields of the parked cars. The light illuminating the Cathedral is still the same warm glow as it was in the warmer months, except the trees surrounding it are now bare. I will reminisce on these market days for the rest of my life when I am back at Proctor, wishing I was back.
Click here to see more photos from Proctor en Segovia Fall 2021!