Proctor en Segovia: Video Dispatch from Spain

Posted by Proctor en Segovia


Proctor en Segovia students travel south today to begin their second week-long excursion of their term abroad. They traversed the meseta of Castilla La Mancha and the Sierra Morena mountain range before arriving in Córdoba in the region of Andalucía. There they will study Andalucian culture and history firsthand.

Before leaving Segovia, instead of a traditional written reflection, students recorded this seven-minute video reflection on student life outside of the classroom in Segovia and living with a Spanish host family. They also take us on a quick tour of the Plaza Mayor and the Proctor en Segovia academic center.

Proctor Academy experiential learning through language immersion in Spain

Elliott ‘23, Will M. ’22, Sin Yee ‘23 and Hayden ’22 - Student life in Segovia

Ella B. ‘22 and Victoria ‘22 - Life in a Spanish homestay

Ian ‘23, Ella B. ‘22 and Victoria ‘22 - A tour of the academic center


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