The Role of a Proctor Advisor: An Open Letter

Posted by Scott Allenby


Comprehending the complexity of the role the advisor plays within Proctor’s educational model can only be understood once a family has experienced the relationship first hand. We recognize this is the cliche` pitch of "You have to see it to believe it!" incoming families don’t want to hear, but we believe deeply the only way you will truly understand the role of the Proctor advisor in your life is to live it yourself. New students are able to login to their myProctor portal today to see who their advisors are for the upcoming year. Each advisor will soon be sharing a welcome letter with their advisees, but in the meantime, here is an open letter to incoming students from an advisor reflecting on his experiences with Proctor students in the past. 

Advisor 1

Dear Johnny, 

You probably learned about Proctor’s advisor program during the admission process; how your advisor will help with your academic scheduling, will be a main point of contact for your parents, and will meet periodically with you to discuss goals for the upcoming year. This is all true, but the relationship we will develop extends far deeper than any checklist of responsibilities can articulate. I will become the adult in your life who is always there for you. There will be others as well - your coach, dorm parent, teachers, etc. - but you need to know I am a shoulder to cry on, your biggest fan on the sidelines of games. I will be watching your theater performances and will sit with you in the dining hall from time to time to check in on you and your friends. 

Advisor 3

I will be the visitor to your dorm room on a Saturday night to make sure you and your roommate are doing alright, will nag you to complete your off-campus program applications, and will be your ride to the emergency room when you break your arm skateboarding down North Street. I will be your study partner before a big test, your cooker of pancakes during advisory, and the compass who will continually nudge you toward true north as you navigate life as a teenager at boarding school. I will help you develop a four year academic plan and will be by your side if you ever find yourself caught up in trouble that lands you in the Dean of Students Office. I will ask you to take your hat off in buildings and will remind you to put your phone away during assembly. And, while you might not be able to think ahead ten or fifteen years, I also hope to be one of your first phone calls or texts when you pass major life milestones as an adult.

Advisor 4

Each student develops a unique relationship with his or her advisor, but you get the picture, our relationship matters in your Proctor journey. It is these subtler aspects of the role I play in your life that you will come to appreciate most, and even though you won’t always love the accountability I will provide, it is these same qualities that will serve as a foundation for the lifelong bond we will form. 

Advisor 2

As you anxiously await your advisor pairing (this information is now live on your myProctor portal), I encourage you to remember that there is no such thing as trust at first sight. Developing trust takes time. It is enhanced through shared experiences and solidified through consistency of interactions. Keeping this in mind, I will be on campus to greet you on Registration Day, and will help you double check you are packed for Wilderness Orientation. I will walk you around campus to before our first day of classes to make sure you have your bearings, and will check in with you every day thereafter. With all the unknowns floating through your head as you prepare to start your Proctor journey, know with confidence I will be there for you every step of the way.

Can't wait to get this year underway! 

Your Proctor Advisor 

Read: Advice on Living With a Roommate


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