A Global Impact: Summer Service Trips 2016

Posted by Scott Allenby


Each summer Proctor students and faculty travel to connect with communities around the globe. Summer Service trips to Guatemala and Southeast Asia are once again planned for Summer 2016, and we cannot wait to see the impact of these service trips on both the communities and our students involved.

Proctor Academy Summer Service trips

During Tuesday’s assembly, a representative from Rustic Pathways shared the tentative itinerary for this year’s service trip to Southeast Asia. As he shared details of the trip, he noted, “I have to be honest, I organize hundreds of these trips each year and have traveled the globe, but have never been more excited about the trip you guys will be going on this summer!”

Proctor Academy Summer Service trips

Proctor traveled to Southeast Asia in partnership with Rustic Pathways during the summer of 2014, arriving in Cambodia and traveling to Thailand while living and working alongside locals in small villages. You can read about that group’s journey on this blog.

Proctor Academy Summer Service trips

We are thrilled Rustic Pathways has once again designed a trip especially for Proctor that will run June 15-30, 2016. Their experience designing service learning trips combined with the Proctor faculty’s expertise working with students is a tremendous recipe for an impactful trip. This year’s trip will take students to Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. 

Proctor Academy Summer Service trips

Proctor’s second summer service trip to Guatemala enters its fifth year and will run June 5-19, 2016. Once again, students will be staying in Guatemala City working with Lemonade International at schools in the La Limonada region of the city during the first half of the trip. Last spring, we were incredibly fortunate to welcome Tita Evertsz to campus to share her work with Lemonade International in one of the poorest slums in the world. Reading about her visit to campus is well worth your time!

Proctor Academy Summer Service trips

As Katie ‘17 said in a final journal reflection at the end of her trip to Guatemala last summer, “If emotions are like skin, then we must all have stretch marks.” Learn more about how you can be stretched, molded, and transformed this summer by clicking the link below!

Apply for Proctor Summer Service Trips 2016!


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