Academic Lens: 2018 Underclass Awards - Recognizing Effort and Excellence

Posted by Scott Allenby


Monday's assembly marked the beginning of the end of the 2017-2018 school year as academic departments presented underclass awards. As Head of School Mike Henriques mentioned in his opening comments of the assembly, our students have invested incredible effort and energy into their academic pursuits at Proctor this year. While we wish we could publicly acknowledge each of our student's individual growth, today's awards assembly recognized a handful of students whose performance and effort stands out as truly excellent. Congratulations to each of this year's underclass award winners listed below! 


2017-2018 Underclass Awards:

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Award - Andrea Chavez '19

Boatbuilding - Scotty Lively '19

Ceramics Award - Graham Lewis '19

Industrial Arts Award - Mingquan (Michael) Sun '20

Photography Award - Matilda Peng '20

Studio Arts Award - Ingrid Cole-Johnson '20

Woodworking Award - David Netburn '19


Connie Appel Award (Electives) - Declan Healey '19

Connie Appel Award (US History) - Sarah Hearns '20

Connie Appel Award (World History) - Ashley Fletcher '21

Excellence in English Award - 2019 - Hailey LaPointe '19

Excellence in English Award - 2020 - Amy Zhou '20

Excellence in English Award - 2021 - Ellie Harding '21

Excellence in French Award -  Jada Eisenbud '19

Excellence in Mandarin Award - Ellie Harding '21

Excellence in Spanish Award - Sarah Hearns '20


Excellence in Science 2021 - Colin Wojciechowski '21

Excellence in Science - 2020 - Anya Jewel '20

Excellence in Science - 2019 - Ben Charleston '19

Luella H. Scales Award (Mathematics) - Zhiyun (Carol) Zhao '20

Rensselaer Medal - Andrea Chavez '19


Frederick W. Johnson ‘56 Memorial Award - Samuel Wyckoff '19

Harvard Book Prize - Lauren Ho '19

Mount Holyoke Book Prize - Andrea Chavez '19


Music Award - Achievement in Applied Music - John Goodpasture '19

Music Award - Contribution to Applied Vocal Music - Logan Dunne '19

Music Award - Contribution to Instrumental Ensembles - Nate Murawski '21

Music Award - Contribution to Instrumental Ensembles - Dylan Conrad '19

Music Award - Contribution to Vocal Ensembles - Hailey Makechnie '19

Music Award - Vocal Contribution to Music Ensembles - Margaret Fair '19

Music Award - Vocal Contribution to Music Ensembles - Ivy Lindner '19

Music Technology in Recording - Alexander Muromcew '19


Theatre Arts Award - Excellence in Drama (technical) - Cedar Kiedaisch '21

Theatre Arts Award - Excellence in Drama Costuming - Ngan Nguyen '20

Theatre Arts Award - Excellence in Drama Costuming - Lauren Ho '19

Theatre Arts Award - Excellence in Drama Performance - Samuel Wyckoff '19

Theatre Arts Award - Excellence in Drama Performance - Dylan Conrad '19

Theatre Arts Award - Excellence in Drama Performance - Margaret Fair '19

Cotton Audio Visual Award - Marshall Holley '19

Technology Award - Reed Simon '19


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