Community: #ProctorMLK2015

Posted by Scott Allenby


Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It is a national holiday that celebrates the work of Dr. King during his lifetime, and recognizes the legacy he left behind. It is a day when communities have the opportunity to gather and dialogue about how we have grown and how we must continue to grow. It is a day when we decided to press the pause button on our classes and instead dive head first into conversations about race, equality, and justice at Proctor, and in the world at large. 

Proctor Academy MLK 2015

A student committee shaped this year's MLK Day celebration, and we are incredibly thankful for their hard work organizing a day of reflection and dialogue. Social Science teacher, Fiona Mills, opened the all-school assembly this morning with her own personal reflection and words of wisdom for all as we launched into more personal conversations later in the day: respect each other's opinions, ask questions, agree to disagree, and be willing to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, for that is when true dialogue occurs. 


Nathan Kyeame '15 shared the following poem with the community earlier in the year at a candlelight vigil in front of Maxwell Savage. When asked if he would mind resharing his words in this blog post, he agreed. Nathan's words are honest and powerful. They are words we should listen to, regardless of who we are, as we all strive to make this world a better place. 

Black lives, white lives...doesn't really matter.
Asian lives, latino/latina lives we're all like alabaster.
Stereotypes ride the airways like ships did to the new world.
Stolen identities.
To rise above these should be the motive.
Because being treated as a less than is more like being treated like trash.
We shouldn't be scared to discuss these topics..but should approach and grab them by their horns.
Wrestle and subdue them, humbly learn and educate, for futures where no one suffocates.
The cries of people in worst situations should cut clear, to empathize and be held nearer than iPhones.
Don't flow in the current aimlessly, don't let your love run dry.
Use your situation to make better.
Please don't look and sigh.
Because everyone has a story and that story is unique, no matter the color injustice cuts deep.
Let us come together to rise above, to rise above we must.

~Nathan Kyeame '15 

Proctor Academy

Thank you to all those who helped make today so meaningful. For those who were unable to be with us, check out the link below to join the conversation! 

Check out today's conversation at #proctormlk15




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