Introducing Proctor's 2020-2021 School Leaders

Posted by Scott Allenby


The role of School Leader at Proctor takes many forms: serving as the voice of the student body, sitting on discipline committees, acting as a voting member during faculty meetings, and so much more. Following campus-wide elections last week, we are thrilled  to announce Proctor's 2020-2021 School Leaders Kingsley Palmer '21 and Nate Murawski '21! Read Kingsley's and Nate's thoughts about stepping into their new roles in the fall below. 

Proctor Academy School Leaders 2020

What responsibilities are you most excited to take on as one of our School Leaders? 

KP: I was thrilled, and so honored, to be elected the School Leader for next year. I can definitely say one of the responsibilities I am most excited about, is being able to speak for and represent the students. The role of connecting the faculty and students is super important for Proctor and something that Nate and I are going to incorporate and prioritize into our duties. I am looking forward to being that bridge between the groups! I also want to make next year a great year for everyone in our community, as each person matters greatly. 

NM: I think the role that I'm most excited for as student leader is just being the voice for all the students at Proctor. I'm excited to be involved in finding and solving problems on campus, as well as helping to continue the great community we have here.

Proctor Academy School Leaders 2020

What do you believe will be the biggest challenges of the position?

KP: As we move into the 2020-2021 school year, I am optimistic we will all be able to return to our beautiful campus for the fall term. Things are going to be different next year, regardless if we end up online or not. The biggest challenge I believe Nate and I will face in our position is keeping the community tight-knit during times of separation such as these. Though we are all isolated from one another, we are not alone, Proctor's community is strong. It is going to be a challenge to move on from this pandemic, but we're all in this together!

NM: I think a challenge for any School Leader is balancing academics and social life, as well as athletics, with the added responsibilities and expectations of the School Leader position. Though I think depending on what school looks like next fall, we may have bigger challenges on our hands, like how to connect as a community if we are back online, or in a social distanced environment.

Proctor Academy School Leaders 2020

How do you feel our School Leaders can shape Proctor's culture? 

KP: As School Leader, I hope to keep the energy of Proctor alive on-campus (as well as the possibility of virtually). By representing my fellow students I hope that my positivity and hope for returning to campus this fall will rub off on everyone. Nate and I are both passionate about the relationships created at Proctor between all students and faculty. The culture on campus has carried over through online classes quite well as everyone is finishing this spring term strong. We want to build off the community we already have as a school where everyone has a place and feels welcomed. We are going to make a difference at Proctor for the better. 

NM: I think the most important role of the student leader is not just to represent the student body, but make sure the student body feels represented. It's important that each student feels connected to their School Leader. This means we have to be present on campus, learning new students' names, being friendly on the walk path, and staying involved in the community through office hours and assembly announcements.

Proctor Academy School Leaders 2020

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