Proctor Athletics: Sports Camp 2017

Posted by Scott Allenby


Proctor’s athletic teams welcomed 127 new and returning students to Preseason Sports Camp 2017. While official varsity tryouts will not take place until after Wilderness Orientation returns allowing all new students an opportunity to try-out, these five days of training are crucial to building a foundation on which Proctor’s athletic program will operate during the upcoming season.


Photo credit: Mary Gettens '19

As a member of the Lakes Region League, and the greater New England Preparatory School Athletic Council, Proctor’s students compete against some of the nation’s strongest athletes in all sports. The obvious goal of most athletic programs is to field successful teams as measured by win percentages, playoff appearances, and championships. At Proctor, we want to define our each team’s success by far more than the number in the 'wins' column. Before each season, Athletic Director and long-time boys’ basketball and football coach Gregor Makechnie ‘90 discusses with coaches Proctor’s athletic mission statement (below) and how it fits into Proctor's overarching mission. Put simply, the work we do with athletes on the playing fields complements the work we do in the classrooms, in the dormitory, and in our advisory groups. It is a piece of Proctor's educational model, and we treat it as such. 


Photo credit: Mary Gettens '19

Proctor Academy Athletic Mission Statement: 

Proctor’s athletic program encourages participants to practice the school's core values by demonstrating sportsmanship while striving to attain competitive excellence.  Varied offerings provide growth promoting experiences, preparing participants for success as they develop competencies through collaboration with others to achieve personal and group goals. Proctor promotes athletic achievement commensurate and in balance with the success of all of the school's programs.

We believe:

  • Although winning is an implicit goal, it is not the sole marker of success. Rather, success in athletics   should be measured by the extent to which athletes develop and teams manifest the values core to the community: respect, responsibility, honesty and compassion.
  • Athletic participation promotes wellness by teaching healthy physical and mental habits that benefit participants throughout life.
  • Good coaches are teachers who, in addition to possessing sport specific technical and tactical skills, are mentors who structure athletic participation to teach lessons that transcend the boundaries of the playing field or court, and who promote character development.
  • When athletes and coaches dedicate themselves to continual learning and ethical awareness, and embrace the life lessons afforded by sport, athletic success contributes positively to school culture.
  • Through competition and team membership, athletes develop appreciation for the value of hard work and cooperation.

XC Lincoln.jpg

Sports Camp helps establish a strong foundation for this mission statement on which we are able to build relationships with students that transcend the playing field throughout year. 


In an effort to further teach the ‘whole’ student, we welcomed Meridith Unger of NIX Biosensors to campus Wednesday evening to discuss her journey as an entrepreneur in the health and wellness space, and more specifically to learn about the importance of hydration as an athlete. Meridith has worked closely with Proctor alum Chad Jackson ‘89 as she has developed her hydration biosensor and took the time to meet with one of our Project Period groups last March at her Boston based office. She and her business partner, Sara Weber, shared valuable information on the adverse effects of dehydration with our athletes.


Photo credit: Mary Gettens '19

As we prepare for the season ahead, we understand the fall athletic season is a journey that will have its share of ups and downs. However, if we continue to emphasize to our students success comes from how we embrace this journey, and not solely the result of the scoreboard, we will be making great strides toward fulfilling our mission. 

Click here to see more photos of Sports Camp 2017!


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