Proctor Spring Formal 2016

Posted by Scott Allenby


Proctor's Spring Formal is the one time a year students dress up and gather as a community to celebrate the year before seniors depart for Senior Project. Sunny skies, warm temperatures, and a slight twist to the Spring Formal resulted in a wonderful night of good food, dancing, and enjoying each other's company. 

Proctor Academy New England Boarding School

This year's dinner was hosted by Ragged Mountain Resort where Patty Pond captured this photo of the (almost) the entire student body! Student leadership proposed a change in the typical schedule this year, however, and the dance and dessert portion of the evening was held under a tent on campus. A quick survey of students at the formal had rave reviews for this format. Prior to dinner, however, there was of course the obligatory photo session for parents and families! 

Proctor Academy New England Boarding School

Proctor Academy New England Boarding School

Proctor Academy New England Boarding School

Proctor Academy New England Boarding School


Proctor Academy New England Boarding School

Below, Ocean Classroom 2015 poses for a picture, looking a little more dapper than they were back in mid-November after ten weeks at sea! 

Proctor Academy New England Boarding School

The 2015-2016 edition of Mary Lowell Stone Dormitory. 

Proctor Academy New England Boarding School

After an hour of photos and mingling, students are hungry and ready to make the short drive to Ragged Mountain for dinner. Another photo op occurs as students walk down the "Green Carpet" to board the busses! 

Proctor Academy New England Boarding School

Proctor Academy New England Boarding School


Proctor Academy New England Boarding School

A HUGE thank you to all the PAPA Volunteers who helped make this year's Spring Formal so much fun! 

Check out more Spring Formal Photos Here!

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