Project Period 2016: Connecting Passions

Posted by Scott Allenby


For the past 30 years, Project Period has been a critical part of Proctor’s mission to deliver hands-on, experiential learning to its students. The four day, immersive small group program kicks off the Spring Term each year. When you ask alumni their favorite Proctor memory, more often than not, a Project Period highlight emerges. But this program does not just ‘happen’, it takes faculty time, energy and passion to be the transformative experience it is.

The brilliance of Proctor’s programming across its curriculum lies in our willingness to be agile as an organization. A teacher wants to start a robotics course because he is an engineer and it interests him? Done. A former Mountain Classroom instructor wants to start an ecological literature course? Done. Forensics? Done. Climate Science? Done. Ethics and Leadership? Done. This agility is possible because of the diverse passions present in Proctor’s talented faculty.

Proctor Academy Project Period

The same richness present in our academic curriculum carries over to Project Period where faculty have the opportunity to immerse themselves and a small group of students in a shared experience based on their passion. As planning and preparations begin for Project Period 2016, our faculty are looking to connect their interests to ‘real world’ opportunities within the extended Proctor family.

Proctor Academy Project Period

Proctor Academy Project Period

Last year, more than a half dozen alumni engaged themselves with Project Period alongside faculty members. Our hope is to extend these connections beyond just alumni to current parents, past parents, and friends of Proctor. To learn more about how you might connect with Project Period, reach out to Project Period coordinator, Patty Pond.

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