Reunion 2022: Back To Our Roots, Finally!

Posted by Scott Allenby


For the past two plus years our alumni have lived in a virtual relationship with Proctor. They attended the more than a hundred online events offered through our Alumni Office since March 2020, and while a few came to campus on special occasions, our annual Alumni Reunion weekend was twice postponed. The result of a two year hiatus on reunion? Record numbers and an absolutely amazing weekend in relationship with each other. 

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni

We knew attendance at this reunion would be record setting as we gathered all of graduating classes ending in 0’s, 1’s, and 2’s, but we did not anticipate the emotional weight that would accompany the more than 500 alumni making the pilgrimage back to Andover. With the passing of long-time Head of School David Fowler last week, just days before he was planning on traveling to reunion, memories of the influential leader and his impact on Proctor were a topic of conversation all weekend. 

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni

What was most beautiful about these memories and moments of silence were that they included so many other former faculty who were in attendance this weekend - Chris and Kit Norris, Tim and Suzy Norris, John and Nancy Schoeller, Bert and Dani Hinkley and many others. The school they collectively shaped lives on both in Proctor’s educational model and in the lives of the alumni it has graduated.  

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni

We are all busy, all going a million different directions with competing priorities: our own families, our jobs, community responsibilities, expenses. Each serves as a valid excuse as to why we cannot attend events like Alumni Reunion, but time and time again, when we prioritize relationships with those we love, our roots are strengthened and we are energized.

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni


Friday night’s 50th year celebration honored the classes of 1970, 1971, and 1972. Each class regaled us with stories of a bygone era, including an epic tale by Peter Carney ‘70 who returned the Keeper of the Spirit megaphone he stole on graduation day. 

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni

Saturday was packed with activities offered by current faculty: ceramics, metal work, ax throwing, softball, tours of campus, kayaking, cycling, hiking, baking, swimming, and more. 

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni

Following Saturday evening’s class photos and dinner, we celebrated the past three years of Athletic Hall of Fame inductees (see a list of inductees HERE). The stories shared during this recognition ceremony reminded us of the impact and power of time spent on teams competing with and for each other. 

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni

Sunday morning’s festivities included a brief tour of the new Proctor Woodlands Building followed by the dedication of the Dave Pilla Memorial Forest. With well over 200 alumni, faculty, staff, families, and friends of Dave in attendance, we celebrated Dave’s love and commitment to Proctor’s woodlands with a beautiful granite entrance to Hopkins Pond trail network. See more from this event HERE.

Proctor Academy Alumni

Proctor Academy Alumni

Our hope is that each of our alums left Sunday exhausted, and yet fully  rejuvenated from the weekend. We recognize each of our alums gave up something to attend reunion: children's sports games, family down time, barbecues, and so much more. We recognize so many of our faculty who ran sessions throughout the weekend did the same. Yet, strengthening our roots requires intentionality, effort, and work. This work yields a sustained safety net that sustains us when life gets tough. Too often we gather with those we love at weddings and funerals. That's not enough. Thank you to each of our alumni for showing us what it means to prioritize friends and family. We miss you already.

See more photos from Reunion 2022 on Flickr!


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