Staying Connected: Summer Office Hours

Posted by Scott Allenby


July has arrived, and while campus remains quiet, planning for our return to school in September is in full swing. We know questions abound as the academic year approaches. In order to provide an open forum for these questions, we invite you to join the following faculty and administrators during our Summer Office Hours Series (all times listed are Eastern Standard Time). Each of these office hours sessions will be held via WebEx (parents and students should check email for additional links to each event), and will serve as true “office hours” where families can jump on for a few minutes or the entire time. 


Learning Skills Program | On-Going

Director of Learning Skills Jennifer Fletcher is available for 1:1 conversations with families about Proctor’s Learning Skills Program and its delivery for the 2020-2021 academic year. Email Jen to set up a time for a conversation. 

Academics and COVID-19  | July 16 | 7:00-8:00 PM 

Join Academic Dean Derek Nussbaum Wagler to hear about Proctor’s academic plan for the upcoming school year, shift in academic block schedule, and approach to faculty professional development over the course of the summer. 

Continuing the Conversation on Race | July 16 | 12:30 PM 

Students, faculty/staff, and parents are invited to join us on Webex for an important discussion led by Multicultural Coordinator Lori Patriacca ‘01 and English faculty John Bouton on what it means to be anti-racist. Students will receive a link for this event via email. 

Housing and Residential Life | July 23 | 7:00-8:00 PM 

Join Dean of Residential Life Kyle Tremblay to ask questions about housing planning for the upcoming school year and how Proctor will adjust policies and procedures in order to address health concerns related to COVID-19. 

Return to School General Questions | July 27 | 7:00-8:00 PM 

Join Head of School Mike Henriques and Assistant Head of School Karin Clough as they discuss Proctor’s Return to School Plan and our systematic approach to repopulating campus this fall. We will share a link to this event in the coming weeks. 

Athletics and Afternoon Program | August 3 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM 

Join Director of Athletics Gregor Makechnie ‘90 for open conversation around athletics and afternoon program during COVID-19. 

Wilderness Orientation | August 11 | 7:00 - 8:00 PM 

Join Wilderness Orientation Coordinator Kayden Will to talk through logistics, packing lists, and details related to Wilderness Orientation for new students. 

Click here to access Proctor's COVID-19 Resources.


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