Team Spotlight: Varsity Field Hockey 2021

Posted by Scott Allenby


Proctor's Varsity Field Hockey Team boasts an 8-3 record heading into the final two weeks of their season. With a core group of seniors leading the way, the Hornets are poised for a NEPSAC postseason birth, but are cherishing each step of the journey along the way. Hear more about this team's season, team culture, and goals for the remainder of the season from team captains Cam Estella '22 and Lucy Werner '22 in this week's Team Spotlight. 

Proctor Academy Athletics Boarding School New England

Your team is having a pretty remarkable season. To what do you credit your success? 

Cam: Undoubtedly, the coaching staff, Kate and Trish, fosters an environment where players are willing to work hard while maintaining a level of fun. With a large portion of our roster returning from last season, we stepped onto the field knowing how to play cohesively, allowing us to focus less on the team’s connection and more on improving our skills. Each member of the team has an admirable willingness to work hard not only for individual gain, but for the success of the overall team. I also attribute our success this season to the support we provide each other off of the field. The bonds and friendships we have been able to form this year have allowed us to become a stronger unit when on the field. 

Lucy: I credit the field hockey team's success to the devotion and hard work each one of us brings to practice everyday. All the girls come to practice and give it their all, no matter the weather or the day. Along with the help of our coaches (Trish and Kate) who guide and support our team towards obtaining our goals. 

Proctor Academy Athletics Boarding School New England

How has your senior class embraced a leadership role on this team and how have you tried to help bring along the younger players on the team? 

Cam: This year’s senior class has been an amazing group of girls willing to mentor the next generation of Proctor field hockey. Being friends both on and off the field, the seniors have shown the younger players what it means to represent the field hockey program and uphold our philosophy of being a “family”. 

Lucy: This season the Varsity Field Hockey team has consisted mostly of returners along with a small group of amazing new students. Coming in, I knew that it would be important for the team to include the few new players joining our family. It can be super overwhelming coming to a new school especially when the team is already so tight. Right as we jumped into the season I made an effort to get to know the new players as a teammate, but also as a friend. Whether it be getting all together for a team breakfast, talking to each other on the paths, or simply cracking a joke on the field our team quickly became inseparable. It’s crazy to look back now and think that I’ve really only known some of these girls for a few months when it feels like I’ve known them my whole life. 

Proctor Academy Athletics Boarding School New England

Why do you love being on this team? 

Cam: Being a member of Proctor Field Hockey is more than a group of athletes. The 17 girls that make up our roster are hardworking, dedicated, and focused on and off the field, which in turn brings out the best in each other. This year’s team is truly special. What I love most is the care we provide to one another. This has allowed us all to know when we are struggling there is a collective unit willing to help. Kate and Trish are also major contributors to why I love Proctor Field Hockey as much as I do. To me, they are more than coaches. I admire and am forever grateful for the passion they emit towards our success and wellbeing outside of athletics. 

Lucy: I love being on the field hockey team at Proctor because these girls have become my new family and closest friends. I’ve never been on a team where I can be 100% authentically me and simultaneously be loved and supported. The girls on the team always have my back, lifting me up in my lows and celebrating with me through my highs. When we step on the field we are far from selfish, and everything we do whether it be in a game or in a practice, we do for one another. We support one another off the field as well helping each other believe in and work towards our greatest potential. But above all what I love most about this team is the love we all have for each other because although the season is coming to an end our love will last a lifetime.

Proctor Academy Athletics Boarding School New England

As you look ahead to the final two weeks of the season, what are your goals and aspirations as a group? 

Cam: As the final two weeks of the season approach, our goal remains the same as the first day: qualify for the post-season tournament. As a group, we collectively understand our aspirations and are working hard every day to achieve this goal. 

Lucy: As the last two weeks approach our team is focused on making post season. This season our team goal has been to making post season and so far we have made great efforts to come closer and closer to achieving our goal. Practice recently has be focused on the small tweaks that need to be made in order to improve our game. Especially with only three games left every game matters if we want to make post season. There is a new found energy and drive on our team the closer we get to obtaining our goal. One things for sure as the term comes to a close we won’t be giving up when we have come this far.  

Proctor Academy Athletics Boarding School New England

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