Those Final Moments: Express Fest, Senior Projects and More

Posted by Scott Allenby


The final days of the Spring Term consistently showcase the best of Proctor in action: creativity, art, music, pursuit of individual passions, and an appreciation for the work of others. Wednesday afternoon brought the entire community together one last time for Proctor’s Art Department Express Fest, Senior Project presentations, and AP Language Moth talks. It was a jam-packed day reminding us of just how fun it is to see our students’ learning in action. 

Proctor Academy Arts Boarding School New England

The afternoon kicked off with Proctor’s Arts Department hosting Express Fest, a combination Jazz/Rock performance and Senior Arts Award ceremony. Rewatch the event below! 

Proctor Academy Arts Boarding School New England

Proctor Academy Arts Boarding School New England

The Class of 2021 is filled with incredibly talented artists across all disciplines. Many of these students pursued their art during Senior Projects and were recognized by their teachers with the Senior Arts Awards listed below: 

  • Dance Award - Paulina Shea '21
  • Music Award for Artistic Progress in the Applied Study of Vocal Music - Baxter Curry ‘21
  • Music Award for Instrumental Contribution to Music Ensembles - Nathan Murawski ‘21
  • Music Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Applied Study of Vocal Music - Annie Walker ‘21
  • Music Award for Vocal Contribution to Music Ensembles - Annie Walker ‘21 
  • Nathaniel C. Wiggins Award for Boatbuilding - Oliver Weiss ‘21 
  • Photography Award - Stella Coulter-Duling ‘21
  • Studio Arts Award - Aubrey Ashby ‘21
  • Studio Arts Award - Cameron Robie ‘21
  • Theater Arts Award for Excellence in Dramatics (Costuming) - Stella Coulter-Duling ‘21
  • Theater Arts Award for Excellent Dramatics (Performance) - Ezra Tayler ‘21 
  • Theater Arts Award for Excellent Dramatics (Performance) - Tahg Healey ‘21
  • Theater Arts Award for Excellence in Dramatics (Technical) - Cedar Kiedaisch ‘21
  • Theater Arts Award for Outstanding Contribution to Dramatic Arts - Madison Burneson ‘21 

Proctor’s Arts Department also inducted Aubrey Ashby ‘21, Kerri Belguendouz ‘21, Beth Deslauriers '21, Maeve Corcorcan '21, and Cameron Robie ‘21 into the National Arts Honor Society yesterday. Be sure to check out a complete portfolio of student artwork from the Spring Term at the link below!

Check out Proctor's virtual Spring Art Show!

Proctor Academy Arts Boarding School New England

Proctor Academy Arts Boarding School New England

Immediately following Express Fest, we transitioned into the Farrell Field House to see Senior Projects on display. Projects took all shapes and sizes as students identified and pursued an interest during the final three weeks of the school year. From sculptures to canoes to photography to painting to podcasting to interning, the breadth and depth of work of our students was impressive. Check out some interviews with our seniors in the video below. 


Proctor Academy Boarding Prep School New EnglandProctor Academy Boarding Prep School New England

Proctor Academy Boarding Prep School New EnglandProctor Academy Boarding Prep School New England

The evening was capped with AP Language students from Mark Tremblay’s and John Bouton’s classes performing their Moth Talks. Funny, serious, sad, and powerful, these speeches engaged an intimate crowd outside the dining hall for over an hour. Check out these Moth talks HERE


Thank you to everyone who helped make these final events of the year a success. Now for two more final classes before all underclass students depart for summer break and we shift our attention to Proctor's 173rd Commencement this weekend! 

Check Out More Photos on Flickr!


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