European Art Classroom: Eats through Italy

May 11, 2015 11:49:12 AM

I often find myself sitting outside on our patio under the sun reflecting back on the week. This week is no exception. If I were to sum up all of our experiences this past week into writing, the blog would go on for an eternity.

European Art Classroom: Finding Comfort in Discomfort

Apr 27, 2015 6:43:00 AM

This week, most of us were lucky enough to see our families. A mix of emotions overtook us students, as we were happy to spend time with our families, we were also quick to realize that our lives here, as exciting and adventurous as they are, will not last forever.

European Art Classroom in Paris

Apr 20, 2015 6:21:00 AM

This week, European Art Classroom took on Paris. The learning was dense and we left exhausted, but we will continue to carry the energy Paris gave us throughout the rest of our travels this term.

European Art Classroom and New England Women

Apr 12, 2015 6:21:00 AM

Naked men, the international cold, and New England women taking on French mountains.

European Art Classroom: Euro, Spain and Daisy's Farewell

Mar 3, 2015 8:55:00 AM

I am thrilled to be the one that gets to write about our final week on European Art Classroom. As the term comes to a close, there is sadness but also cheerfulness around the house. I think I speak for everyone that we are all excited to be going home, but we are also sad that this great adventure whipped by and has come to an end. Secretly, deep down we know that after a few days of being at home, we will start to miss our second home in Aix.


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