European Art Classroom - Belgium, Spring 2023

May 8, 2023 2:16:14 PM

From the moment we woke up on May 1st at 2am, we were in for a week of adventure, incredible architecture, art beyond belief, and delectable Belgian food. 

Proctor Academy Announces New Ocean Classroom Partner in SEA

Apr 27, 2023 3:10:06 PM

Since 1994, Proctor students have studied at sea as a part of Proctor’s Ocean Classroom program. Throughout those nearly three decades, Proctor has worked with different partners, most recently Sailing Ships Maine, to deliver this life-changing off-campus program that puts students at the center of learning aboard a tall-ship. It is with great enthusiasm that Proctor announces a new partnership with Sea Education Association (SEA) out of Woods Hole, Massachusetts for the fall Ocean Classroom program. 

Team Spotlight: Softball

Apr 26, 2023 2:13:01 PM

Proctor Academy’s softball team is off to a strong start in a highly competitive Lakes Region League. With dominating early season wins over Gould Academy, Kents Hill School, and New Hampton School, the Hornets have lost three straight contests to St. Paul’s School, Tilton School, and Kimball Union Academy. 

European Art Classroom: Back at it and Family Weekend

Apr 26, 2023 1:42:40 PM

My mom came for Parents Weekend and it was a great time, she was really in her French moment. She lived in Aix when she was in college so it was very sentimental for her to come and see me living the French lifestyle. 

Spring Family Weekend 2023: Sharing the Love

Apr 24, 2023 3:12:01 PM

When perfect weather intersects with events on campus, a certain magical vibe emerges. Such was the case this past Friday as sunshine, blue skies, and temperatures in the mid-60s welcomed families to campus for our Spring Family Weekend celebration. 

Proctor Athletics: Track Team Spotlight 2023

Apr 20, 2023 11:37:57 AM

Starting in the spring of 2017, spurred by the interest of students, Proctor’s Athletic Department supported the launch of a track team. This spring, ten students, under the guidance of veteran coach Tom Gillen, are representing Proctor at both Lakes Region and state public school meets in a variety of track and field events. 

Proctor en Segovia: Penitents and Pasos

Apr 20, 2023 9:20:04 AM

Proctor en Segovia traveled south from Segovia by high-speed train to the picturesque region of Andalucía. From solemn processions to joyful celebrations, Proctor students immersed themselves in the living culture of Holy Week (Semana Santa) in Archidona and Málaga. There they also studied the region's fascinating and complex history and enjoyed its renowned cuisine by cooking together in their rented house!

Proctor's Educational Model: Dichotomies in Action

Apr 18, 2023 3:15:23 PM

Last Saturday’s 80 degree temperatures saw students flying frisbees on Carr Field and a steady stream of eager swimmers parading to the swinging bridge while Proctor’s baseball team earned an 11-1 win over New Hampton School. With a backdrop of a snow-covered Proctor Ski Area, watching these swimmers traipse to a frigid Blackwater River in mid-April reminded us that, just like the seasons in New England, life with adolescents is filled with apparent contradictions. 


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