Calvin Johnstone

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Proctor Alumni: Prepared To Be A College Student-Athlete

Mar 13, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Calvin Johnstone '15 (Bates College '19) shares the second in our series of Young Alumni blogs on life in college for Proctor graduates. Calvin experienced tremendous growth during his four years at Proctor, participation in Learning Skills, European Art Classroom, and both the varsity football and baseball programs. Read Calvin's thoughts on Proctor's ability to prepare him to be a collegiate athlete at Bates College! 

Proctor Alumni: Investing In Our Future

May 27, 2015 8:00:00 AM

My 106 classmates and I have just a few days remaining in our Proctor experience. Collectively, our families will have paid almost $20 million in tuition to Proctor over the past four years. Staggering, I know. Before beginning my communications internship with Scott Allemby I had little exposure to the financial model of independent schools like Proctor Academy. I thought our school must have money to burn and I know my classmates share that assumption. 

Proctor Athletics: Class of 2015 College Bound

May 16, 2015 8:30:00 AM

With only a handful of days until graduation and spring sports teams wrapping up the regular season, the reality that college is only a few short months away is beginning to set in for the Class of 2015. For many seniors, their final moments of their athletic careers are upon them. For those seniors playing at the next level, however, this new chapter represents a continual dedication to maximizing their potential and through the encouragement of coaches and teammates.


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