Community: The Midpoint

Posted by Scott Allenby


As Geometry students will tell you, the midpoint formula will give you the midpoint of a line segment. For us, that means finding the midpoint of the academic year: January 21. Midterm grades have been shared with students for the Winter Trimester. Classes are in full swing. Some students are thriving, while others are working through various challenges. Learning Skills tutorials, extra help sessions, and Math First Aid are being utilized.

Proctor Academy

January can be tough. Cold temperatures and icy walkways fill our time between classes, and precious daylight hours go by far too fast before we are left with darkness on our walk to the dining hall for dinner. While this may seem a depressing scene, throw in 330 adolescents (on campus) fully engaged in their Proctor experience and the scene changes drastically.

Proctor Academy

Proctor Academy

During a season that looks stark on the surface, Proctor is the exact opposite.

Proctor Academy

Our classrooms are alive.

Proctor Academy math

Proctor Academy math

Slocomb Hall is alive.

Proctor Academy Art

Proctor Academy arts

The Farrell Field House is alive. Two home basketball games this afternoon were capped by a valiant effort by the boys’ varsity team in a 56-53 upset over Class AAA New Hampton School!

The Proctor Ski Area is alive. Today Nordic Skiing hosted a Lakes Region sprint relay race. 

Proctor Academy Nordic Skiing

Proctor Academy Nordic Skiing

The Wilkins Meeting House is alive with rehearsals for To Kill a Mocking Bird (showing February 13 and 14 - get your tickets HERE!).

Proctor Academy theater

Proctor Academy theater

So as we pause and reflect on the midpoint of the year, we are reminded how dynamic this community is and we are thankful for the journey we are all on throughout the school year. Even on the coldest of January days, our community is filled with the warmth of bustling activity.

Proctor Academy campus

And, of course, we are also thankful for the warmth provided by the Walt Wright ‘49 Biomass Plant heated with wood chips sustainably harvested off our own woodlot!

 Proctor Academy Biomass Plant

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