Proctor Arts: Winter 2017 Arts Review

Posted by Scott Allenby


Head of School Mike Henriques shared a few words at the start of Monday’s assembly about the richness of the past weekend as he went from one event on campus to another. Student performances have been on display (in athletics, arts, and academics) over the past two weeks, with the center of attention at the Wilkins Meeting House and a celebration of the arts at Proctor!

Proctor Academy arts program boarding school

Starting with the Jazz/Rock Ensemble performance in the Wise Center (relive the experience on the Livestream video below) on February 18, we have had the privilege of watching students boldly share their talents with the greater school community.

The following day, Proctor’s Vocal Music Ensemble concert in the Stone Chapel further reinforced the depth of talent within the community. Listening to school leader Cope Makechine ‘17 sing brought tears to the eyes of many in the audience, while the performances of first time soloists like Cyrus Davis ‘17, evoked visible pride in each the students who were so willing to step out of their comfort zone in pursuit of new challenges.

This past weekend’s Winter Art Show provided yet another window into the artistic process available to each of Proctor’s students. While a number of pieces (10 to be exact) were missing from the Art Show because they were on display at the AVA Gallery’s Best of the Upper Valley High School Exhibit, there was certainly no shortage of artwork for the community to enjoy. Whether it was Connor’s ‘18 beautiful wooden stand-up paddle board, Peri’s ‘19 landscapes, Sarah’s ‘18 paintings, or Kelly’s ‘17 ceramics pieces, the care, creativity, and attention to detail in each piece impressed visitors.

Proctor Academy arts program boarding school

Immediately following the Art Show on both Friday and Saturday nights, the cast and crew of The Foreigner put on a tremendous show. A review of the quirky comedy can be read HERE, but if you have the time, we highly recommend you watch the whole show below!

Thank you to everyone who came out to support Proctor’s artists over the past two weekends. We are so fortunate to have the combination of talented faculty members, inquisitive learners, and a supportive community that encourages the artist in each of us!

Click here for more photos of Winter 2017 Arts Weekend!


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