Project Period 2023: Pursuing Passions

Mar 23, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Over the course of five days, with more than 35 faculty-sponsored projects across the country,  Proctor Period kicks off our spring trimester at Proctor. Why do we allocate 10% of our Spring Trimester to Project Period? Because we believe deeply in the value of immersion learning, and this week provides an opportunity for us to dive into learning experiences that simply do not fit into our regular academic schedule. 

Project Period 2022: Back at It!

Mar 24, 2022 10:06:34 AM

Whether it’s hiking and backcountry skiing in the White Mountains, walking the streets of downtown Boston or downtown Franklin, New Hampshire, the power of Project Period, Proctor’s five day, immersive small group program that kicks off the Spring Term each year, remains the same. 

Project Period 2019: The Value of Immersion

Mar 21, 2019 9:57:17 AM

Five days. 37 faculty sponsored projects across the country. Why do we allocate 10% of our Spring Trimester to Project Period? Because we believe deeply in the value of immersion learning, and Project Period provides opportunities to dive into learning experiences that simply do not fit into our regular academic schedule. As we kick off Day 3 of Project Period 2019, we explore the history, goals, and impact of this program on our community. 

Project Period 2018: Reliving the Adventures of a Lifetime

Mar 26, 2018 8:37:14 AM

Today marks the first day of classes for the Spring Term. The sun is shining brightly, while the still-freezing temperatures remind us of winter's lingering grip on New Hampshire. As we move into this final stretch of the school year (graduation is just nine weeks away!), we look back at Project Period 2018 and remind ourselves why we commit four academic days to this endeavor each spring. 

Mike's Notes: 3% Lessons and a Letter to Spring

Mar 23, 2018 9:10:37 AM

In this time of everything-always-now, of streaming content and the new next, it can be remarkably centering to step into a sugar house in March where there is fire, sap, and patience - an antidote for the age of hurry. The sugar maples and the weather conspire to pick the timing of the season, and however much you want that first thimble of syrup to come out of the evaporator, there’s no hurrying the process. You are not in control. There’s no overnight shipping. No Prime. You move in the rhythm of the season or do without.

The Difference Maker: Relationships and Project Period 2018

Mar 20, 2018 4:13:28 PM

As Director of Enrollment Chris Bartlett stood in front of our start of Spring Term faculty meeting discussing the importance of upcoming Revisit Days, faculty nodded their heads at the need to showcase the best version of our authentic selves for visiting families on March 30 and April 6. As independent school educators, we know full well the balance every school seeks to manage during Revisit Days as our Admissions team works to enroll the most dynamic, fun, engaging, diverse student body for the 2018-2019 academic year, while not simply putting on an Admissions dog and pony show that fails to give prospective families a genuine window into our community.

Proctor Alumni: Engaging with Project Period

Mar 27, 2017 4:18:13 PM

Project Period 2017 is a wrap as we jump through the icy puddles around campus on this cold, rainy opening day of classes. This morning, we published a Flickr Album with over 350 photos from the 35+ projects that immersed themselves in small group learning opportunities around the country. Key to the success of Project Period each year are the alumni who partner with faculty to explore their area of expertise.

Project Period 2017: Passions Pursued

Mar 23, 2017 9:58:46 PM

Whether it’s hiking around the mall in Washington, DC or to the top of Mount Washington, walking the streets of downtown Boston or downtown Franklin, New Hampshire, the power of Project Period, Proctor’s four day, immersive small group program that kicks off the Spring Term each year, remains the same. While we pride ourselves on an educational model that features academic courses rooted in experiential learning, Project Period provides an opportunity for students and faculty to join together to explore their passions outside of the classroom. 


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