Week of Thankfulness Day 2: Housekeeping Department

Posted by Scott Allenby


If you drive by campus around 3:00 am, lights will be on throughout academic buildings. Most of us don’t drive by at 3:00 am, so we do not notice the work being done by our Housekeeping team each night/early morning in preparation for the day ahead. Today, we extend our gratitude to the dedicated group of women whose hard work for Proctor’s Housekeeping Department is so very much appreciated.

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Floors are washed, classrooms cleaned, trash/recycling emptied throughout offices and academic buildings around campus all before many of us roll out of bed. Diane Benson and her team do the type of work we too often do not notice unless it doesn’t get done. They consistently set such a high bar around campus, we easily slip into a pattern of taking their work for granted. Today we want to break that cycle and give our Housekeeping Department a heartfelt thank you!

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Our housekeepers’ work is impressive during the school year, but if you were to follow the team during vacations and the summer months, you would realize just how herculean their efforts really are. When students move out of dorm rooms on Graduation weekend, the Housekeeping team has four days to go through every dorm on campus (19 dorms!) and clean them top-to-bottom before Alumni Reunion Weekend. They then have approximately six hours between Alumni Reunion Weekend ending and Gordon Research Conferences beginning. During those six hours, they turn over each of the dorms to create a hotel-like atmosphere for conferees.


If you see members of Proctor’s Housekeeping team around campus today, be sure to stop them and say thank you. And then do your best to help them do their job by picking up after yourself and respecting the beautiful spaces we have on campus!

Be sure to leave a comment below expressing your gratitude to our Housekeeping Team!  



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