Scott Allenby

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Writing the Next Chapter: Orientation Returns and Classes Begin

Sep 10, 2019 1:55:13 PM

Adolescents are designed to change. The students who arrived on campus on Registration Day were not the same who came out of the woods with their Orientation groups on Sunday afternoon, and they will not be the same that walk across the graduation stage. As we find the rhythm of a new academic year, we embark on a journey of self-discovery alongside our students.

Sports Camp 2019: Building the Foundation

Sep 5, 2019 9:37:02 PM

While Wilderness Orientation takes most of the spotlight this week, Proctor's annual preseason Sports Camp welcomes fall athletic teams for a four day, intensive pre-season camp. With the goal of knocking off the summer's rust, establishing a baseline of fitness, team bonding, and installing offensive and defensive concepts, Sports Camp is a high school athlete's dream come true. 

Lessons from the Trail: Wilderness Orientation 2019

Sep 5, 2019 9:38:22 AM

Wilderness Orientation groups finalized packing in the Teddy Maloney ‘88 Rink early Wednesday morning before loading onto busses and departing for their four night, five day adventure in the White Mountains. The busyness of Registration Days had faded into the backdrop, and while the unknown of Orientation weighed on some nearly as much as their packs, a reserved excitement hung in the air. 

The Contradictions of Parenthood: Trusting Love

Sep 2, 2019 7:39:08 AM

From the earliest moments of welcoming our first child into the world, my wife and I realized parenthood would be filled with contradictions. We desperately needed sleep, but craved those moments of solitude when our son would finally stop crying. Eleven years later, we know he and his siblings need independence, but feel hardwired to protect them from the unknown. This dichotomy of parenthood we experience daily pales in comparison to the emotions our incoming families experience on Registration Day. Even when you know Proctor is the right school for your child, saying goodbye is far from easy. 

Equity and Inclusion: Leadership and Vision for 2019-2020

Aug 29, 2019 8:36:14 AM

Since the early 1980s, Proctor has worked to be as diverse and inclusive a community as possible. The once rigid definition of "diversity" has evolved over time to better articulate a mission of equity and inclusion where we seek to welcome students, faculty, and staff into this community who enrich each others experiences.

The Continuity of Culture: Wilderness Orientation

Aug 22, 2019 10:29:31 AM

How does the culture of an organization sustain over time? Is it the people? Is it the mission? Is it the programs offered? What is it that allows Proctor’s unique culture to thrive year after year? How do we cultivate continuity when we welcome new faculty, staff, and students to Proctor’s community each year? 

The Role of a Proctor Advisor: An Open Letter

Aug 15, 2019 8:58:21 AM

Comprehending the complexity of the role the advisor plays within Proctor’s educational model can only be understood once a family has experienced the relationship first hand. We recognize this is the cliche` pitch of "You have to see it to believe it!" incoming families don’t want to hear, but we believe deeply the only way you will truly understand the role of the Proctor advisor in your life is to live it yourself. New students are able to login to their myProctor portal today to see who their advisors are for the upcoming year. Each advisor will soon be sharing a welcome letter with their advisees, but in the meantime, here is an open letter to incoming students from an advisor reflecting on his experiences with Proctor students in the past. 

The Search For Something When It Seems You Have Everything

Aug 11, 2019 2:18:06 PM

Society encourages us to live quickly. We consume media by scrolling, expect wifi everywhere we go, even order groceries online so they can be delivered to our cars in the name of efficiency. We operate under this misguided belief that faster is better, and yet feel an ache for connection that previous generations embraced in their slowness. As Generation Z comes to age in front of our eyes, we must think critically about young people’s ability to connect with each other and how Proctor can nurture in these adolescents a love for learning, for experiencing, for risking failure, for persevering, and for each other. 



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