Scott Allenby

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Planning for Wellness: Sophomore Reflections

Feb 28, 2019 8:34:17 AM

This winter, our Sophomore Seminar classes explored ways to stay healthy in the midst of what can be a long, tiresome trimester. Classes discussed substance use and abuse, relationships, stress management, communicable disease, birth control, being a good person, and how to take care of ourselves to the best of our ability. As the term wound down, students shared personal wellness goals for the rest of the year. As we enter Spring Break, we should all take some advice from these incredibly wise, self-aware tenth graders. Thank you to Terry Stoecker for prompting this post and sharing the student goals below!

Proctor Athletics: Winter 2019 Award Recipients

Feb 27, 2019 1:30:00 PM

While the winter athletic season is not officially over (hockey and basketball teams continue their quests for a NEPSAC title and USSA/FIS skiers continue to race until late March), we recognize the collective work of coaches, students, and the athletic department as we transition out of the winter season. Hosting and traveling to over 300 different games/races/competitions, running daily practices, coordinating buses for fifteen different teams, and sharing scores and highlights from various programs requires considerable effort by Proctor's athletic department, not to mention our coaches and athletes. 

Proctor Athletics: 2019 NEPSAC Tournament Preview

Feb 25, 2019 9:54:10 AM

During those first practices in mid-November, hope abounds. The trying road ahead, through the depths of countless road trips criss crossing New England feels as smooth as can be as our sights are set on the potential that rests within our teams. We never define success for a team at Proctor by wins and losses, but for our girls’ varsity basketball and boys’ varsity hockey teams, a birth in the NEPSAC Tournament affords the opportunity for these two teams to test their merits against the best in New England.

Winter Play 2019: Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike

Feb 22, 2019 9:25:28 AM

 Proctor Academy's theater department will show Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, a comedy by Christopher Durang. The play premiered in 2012, and has since earned countless awards. Set in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, the play chronicles the lives of three adult siblings, all single, and explores, in a hilarious manner, the dynamics that exist within all families. 

Proctor Academy Announces $3M Gift to Build Outdoor Center

Feb 11, 2019 3:26:52 PM

Proctor Academy is excited to announce the planned construction of a new Outdoor Center on the west end of campus after an anonymous gift of $3,000,000 catalyzed the project. Long committed to outdoor sports, the construction of the Proctor Outdoor Center reaffirms our institutional belief in the benefits of year-round outdoor activities.

A Weekend of Celebrations: Stewarding a Culture, a Place, and a Community

Feb 10, 2019 10:37:16 PM

Certain events throughout the year remind us of those stewards of community responsible for sustaining the Proctor of today in a way that is consistent with the Proctor of yesterday. On one of the busiest weekends of the winter, our Board of Trustees met to discuss the 2019-2020 budget, tuition rates, and the greater landscape of independent school market place, celebrated the opening of Phase 3 of the Farrell Field House renovation, hosted six home games, and capped the night with the 12th Annual Proctor Ski Area Celebration. 

Academic Lens: Scaffolding the Proctor Experience

Feb 7, 2019 12:36:03 PM

Little by little the days are getting longer. This week’s sun and warmer temperatures have buoyed our spirits and put a noticeable bounce in everyone’s step. Overnight rain and ice reminded us how closely tied our emotional state can be to the barometric pressure. As we look toward the final three and a half weeks of the Winter Term, we lean into the scaffolding of support that surrounds each of us at Proctor.

Balancing the Community with the Individual

Feb 5, 2019 8:25:36 PM

Front and center on our website is the tagline “Customize Your Experience”. The breadth and depth of Proctor’s offerings allow each student to pursue a wholly unique Proctor journey, but have we over-personalized Proctor? Have we focused so heavily on catering to each student’s needs that we have forgotten the individual’s responsibility to others and to the community? How do we simultaneously live the values of “TOGETHER” and “Customize Your Experience” and appreciate the lessons that live in both. 



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