What Will Your Legacy Be?

Nov 1, 2021 4:32:45 PM

Today is November 1. It is a date that looms large for high school seniors around the country engaged in the college application process. As essays, applications, test scores, and resumes have dominated our seniors’ lives over the past few weeks, our goal has been to guide them through the process, support them, and, perhaps most importantly, help students realize that their legacy at Proctor is so much more than the name next to a college acceptance letter. 

College Counseling Virtual Seminars

Oct 9, 2020 1:29:28 PM

Without the ability for our usual in-person Fall Family Weekend, Proctor’s College Counseling team will host a series of virtual seminars over the next week. Parents of juniors and seniors should keep their eyes out for an email from Director of College Counseling Mike Koenig early next week with additional information. 

Academic Lens: College Counseling Perspective on Pass/Fail Grades

Apr 8, 2020 10:28:36 AM

A version of this letter from Proctor's Director of College Counseling, E. Michael Koenig, was shared with parents and students of the Class of 2020 earlier in March. As the global situation related to COVID-19 continues to evolve and Proctor has made the decision to assess through Pass/Fail grades during the spring trimester, we share this message to the broader community in hopes it sparks a valuable conversation schools must be having related to how we assess, equity of assessment, and our priority needing to remain on the connection to and wellness of our students. 

Mike's Notes: Dialing it Back. Stepping Up.

Sep 21, 2018 8:00:00 AM

When Lindsey Allenby gathered the senior class after assembly on Monday for their class photo, I looked over. There was a lot laugher, some kidding around, and the mood was upbeat and positive. Lindsey snapped pictures, the group scattered, and it was only later, reflecting on the class, that I thought about the background hum of stress coursing through the group. When the college process peaks in the fall of senior year, the pressures can mount to unreasonable and unhealthy levels.

Shifting Expectations for Independent School Parents

May 11, 2017 9:46:19 PM

As the year comes to an end and we prepare to watch the Class of 2017 head off to their many college destinations, we are always conflicted. Where is she going to college? Did he get off the waiting list at so-and-so University? Why do we do this? We cannot help ourselves. We have read the articles by Frank Bruni, analysed the data showing the lack of correlation between elite schools and economic success, and the longitudinal studies showing that happiness cannot be ranked by US News and World Report.

Proctor Alumni: Tori Smith '13 - Preparation for the Job Search

Apr 25, 2017 2:39:16 PM

It is hard to believe 4 years ago I was applying to college. It is even harder to believe I am in my last semester at St. Lawrence University preparing for my next journey in life… a career. It is a common understanding as a senior not to talk about the dreaded "J" word because we get enough inquiries from parents, relatives, and professors who constantly ask, “Do you know what you are doing after graduation?”

Proctor Alumni: Prepared To Be A College Student-Athlete

Mar 13, 2017 8:00:00 AM

Calvin Johnstone '15 (Bates College '19) shares the second in our series of Young Alumni blogs on life in college for Proctor graduates. Calvin experienced tremendous growth during his four years at Proctor, participation in Learning Skills, European Art Classroom, and both the varsity football and baseball programs. Read Calvin's thoughts on Proctor's ability to prepare him to be a collegiate athlete at Bates College! 

College Counseling: Understanding College Support Services

Feb 15, 2017 8:46:17 AM

For students with learning style differences, transitioning from Proctor to college requires a thorough understanding of the three R’s: Rights, Responsibility, and Reasonable Accommodations. Up until this juncture in a student's education, Learning Skills and/or parents have been the core support system. Here is some advice for our students who thrive on support systems on how to navigate the transition to college.


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