Proctor in Costa Rica: An Alumni Perspective

Feb 19, 2018 8:00:00 AM

This is a story taking a little over half a century to unfold, and at the same time it is a promise of what is yet to unfold. It is a tale that is neither epic nor incidental.  It’s personal, yes. I could claim it’s only about me.  But somehow it seems much bigger.  Whatever it is, Proctor is at the center of it.

Mountain Classroom: Border Links and Baja Kayaking

Feb 14, 2018 9:34:07 PM

The past two weeks for Proctor Academy's Mountain Classroom group have been packed with challenges that have forced students to get proximate to their learning. The Borderlinks portion of the Mountain Classroom program exposes students in person to the border issues that exist between Mexico and the United States. Through time spent on both sides of the border, students gained a powerful window into the depth and layers of border issues. Following border studies, the group traveled to Baja California for a sea kayaking expedition. This post is a long, so buckle up and enjoy the ride! 

Proctor en Segovia: Have You Ever Fallen in Love? 

Feb 10, 2018 1:06:20 PM

Have you ever fallen in love? With a city of course, because we have. The group was going to embark on one of the biggest adventures of a lifetime. On Wednesday morning the group boarded the bus that would take us to the Segovia train station, which would take us to Madrid and then into Barcelona. A day full of travel, worse than it seems. We went from bus to train to another train and finally rode the high-speed train right into Barcelona. “Big, Bad, and Bold” as Nicole said when we found out this was going to be the city we would explore for the next three days.

Proctor in Costa Rica: Mid-term Update Winter 2018

Feb 7, 2018 10:05:32 AM

Proctor's five term-long off-campus programs provide unparalleled experiential learning opportunities as students travel the globe, immerse themselves in different cultures, and learn more about themselves than they ever thought they would. For five of our sophomores, the decision to study abroad at the Cloud Forest School in Monteverde, Costa Rica has transformed their high school experience. Read mid-term updates from the Cloud Forest and try not to be jealous of their experience! 

European Art Classroom: Parent Weekend Winter 2018

Feb 6, 2018 8:00:00 AM

After a week in Paris, Proctor's European Art Classroom Winter 2018 group returned to the familiar streets of Aix-en-Provence  and welcomed visiting parents (and aunts and uncles) to their home in the south of France. As the group shared their life on Euro filled with painting, exploring, and sucking the marrow out of the experiences laid before them, Grace '18 reflects below on the past week studying abroad. 

European Art Classroom: Paris

Jan 31, 2018 8:00:00 AM

It’s amazing how much your surroundings can change in just a three hour train ride. Travelling from our small town of Aix-en-Provence to the bustling city of Paris was a drastic change of scenery.

Proctor en Segovia: Goleada de Real Madrid

Jan 30, 2018 5:43:53 PM

We entered the stadium, more than eager to finally lay eyes on the incredible, god-like athletes that we have been looking up to since we were young kids. We walked up a long flight of stairs and entered a long hallway full of entrances to the large, beautiful soccer pitch home to Real Madrid Club de Fútbol. We were all in shock; it was beautifully kept and just an all around majestic looking place. Although we were not yet at our seats, our eyes were locked on the view of the field. The first thing we all quickly pointed out was the large poof of hair jogging in the distance, and, although it was hard to see from where we were standing, we all knew without a doubt that we were looking at none other than Real Madrid’s Marcelo.

Mountain Classroom: The Power of Being Present

Jan 28, 2018 8:41:51 PM

Proctor's Mountain Classroom group visited the Tohono O’dham Reservation in Arizona and completed three and a half day solos in the Arizona dessert over the past week. Check out reflections from Luke '18, Augie '19, and Julian '19 in the blog post below. The group apologizes for fewer photos and videos this week (broken camera/phone), but promises more to come next week. Enjoy! 



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