European Art Classroom: "Week Two"

Jan 24, 2016 12:25:45 PM

You would think that two weeks of being constantly together as a group would get old. Yet as we wander the streets of Aix looking for our own, special café to call our home-away-from-home, or painting amongst a vineyard, the mountains that decorate the horizon, I notice that as each day passes, each and every one of us grows happier and happier. We truly are in a paradise; every new day I spend here, Aix comes to feel more and more like home.

Proctor History 202: Catching up with David Fowler

Dec 10, 2015 7:00:00 AM

Ten years ago, Chuck Will composed a comprehensive History of Proctor, including blog posts, archival photographs, and videos. This Proctor History 101 has proven invaluable to our institutional memory and is worth a read HERE. Today, we take a look back at perhaps the most transformative years in Proctor’s history through an interview with David Fowler who served as Head of School from 1971-1995, our first installment of Proctor History 202!

Welcome Back to the Winter Term!

Nov 30, 2015 8:37:50 AM

We know coming back from vacation can be challenging, especially after relaxing with family and friends. With the start of the Winter Term, we kick off a new athletic season (perhaps the most exciting at Proctor!), new classes, and have a chance reflect on the first term. A little solace for those students making the return trip to campus today? They are not the first, nor will they be the last, to arrive in Andover after a Thanksgiving vacation! 


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