Kristina Harrold

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Introducing 2018-2019 School Leaders: Lucas '19 and Zina '19

Sep 11, 2018 3:13:04 PM

 The first day of classes for the 2018-2019 school year is officially in the books. As we launch into the year ahead, we will consistently look to our elected school leaders, Lucas Bush '19 and Zina Asante '19, for wisdom, guidance, and representation of the student body. The role of School Leader carries with it significant responsibility: attending all faculty meetings, running student government meetings with class representatives, meeting weekly with the Head of School and Assistant Head of School to discuss initiatives and student life goals, as well as serving on the Appeals Committee when a student appeals their dismissal from Proctor. We caught up with Lucas and Zina to hear their thoughts on the year ahead in today's blog. Read more below!

Proctor Welcomes New Faculty for 2018-2019 School Year

Aug 23, 2018 9:57:40 AM

As a natural part of any community's lifecycle, each year faculty and staff retire or depart for other endeavors, while a new group of talented educators join Proctor. Over the past few days, this group of dynamic, energized teachers has enjoyed (we think!) a thorough orientation to all aspects of life at Proctor. With students arriving in just over a week, we asked each of our new faculty members to share a few fun facts about themselves. 

Day Student Leaders 2018: Being a Day Student at a Boarding School

Aug 17, 2018 8:58:06 AM

Roughly 20% of Proctor's students live locally and make the commute to Proctor's campus each day. While these day students  take part in evening study hall and extra help sessions, participate in all campus activities, and have access to all Proctor has to offer, incoming day students often feel apprehension about how they will balance being a day student at a boarding school. This year's Day Student Leaders, Margaret Fair '19 and Henry Bechok '19, share their perspectives and advice below on how to navigate the challenges and take full advantage of the opportunities of being a day student at Proctor.

Faculty Profile: Kyle Tremblay

Aug 3, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Incoming students will soon receive their dorm assignments and roommate pairings for the 2018-2019 school year. As we begin to gear up for the year ahead, we feature this week's faculty/staff profile on Kyle Tremblay is a Learning Specialist and also serves as Residential Life Coordinator for Proctor's Student Life Team. Her work organizing Dorm Leader program, Big Sister and Big Brother programs, and roommate mediation has been invaluable as Proctor continues to strengthen its residential life program. Read about her Proctor experience below!

Faculty/Staff Profile: Lisa Ensign Wood P'15, '18, '20

Jul 23, 2018 8:00:00 AM
As a parent and on the Parents' Association Steering Committee, Lisa's involvement on campus extends far beyond her work in the Admissions Office. Read about Proctor Admissions HERE and learn about Lisa's role and experiences below!

Faculty/Staff Profile: Jim Cox P'13, '16

Jul 6, 2018 11:39:36 AM

No one is having a busier summer than Jim Cox, our Director of Technology and Information Services. With the installation of a new phone system and regular technology maintenance issues, the past month has been non-stop work for Jim and his tech team. A member of the Proctor community since 1990 when he first served as a Mountain Classroom instructor, Jim has played a vital role in the evolution of our technology integration and use on campus over the past 30 years. Each week throughout the school year, we feature a faculty/staff profile in our weekly Parent Page and will start sharing some of those profiles to a larger audience this summer. Read about Jim's Proctor experience and the technological changes that have occurred during his time at Proctor in the interview below!

2018 China Trip Preview

Jun 28, 2018 9:52:36 AM

On Sunday, nine students and two faculty will depart for a month-long Chinese immersion program, based in the city of Shangri-La. This is the second immersion trip China that Proctor has arranged, with the first occurring in 2016 (you can read student blogs and reflections from that first trip here). Students live with host families, attend classes, and go on excursions in order to absorb Mandarin and the rich cultures in China. We caught up with trip leader, Jon Beard, about the program’s history and what students can expect in the coming weeks.

The Proctor Fund and Gratitude in June

Jun 26, 2018 5:16:16 PM

June's blooming flowers and grassy green hues mark a time of gratitude at Proctor Academy. As we approach the end of the month and the end of the fiscal year, our every day thankfulness for the beauty of our surroundings is coupled with our gratitude for the many ways our community receives support; as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we rely on the incredible devotion of our financial supporters to make all that we do at Proctor a reality.


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