Scott Allenby

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The Arts at Proctor: Three Dimensional Identities

Feb 25, 2023 11:14:11 AM

The Winter Term often finds us diving deeply into our own worlds. Perhaps it is our instinctive nature as the days get short and the weather colder, to pull into ourselves. We put our nose down, and, too often, our blinders up so that we can concentrate on that which lies before us: our classes, our teams, our dorms, our advisories. We can easily overlook the complexity of all that is happening on this campus until weekends like this one put the fullness of who we are on display. 

Honor the Past by Supporting Today: 1848 Giving Challenge:

Feb 21, 2023 6:24:16 AM

Since 1848, Proctor has transformed the lives of generations of young people. Whether it was through an off-campus program like Mountain Classroom, on a playing field, or a casual conversation with a trusted advisor on the way to a meal, the educational experience Proctor offers lasts a lifetime. Today, we embark on the 1848 Giving Challenge: 18 hours and 48 minutes dedicated to supporting a school that has and will continue to transform lives. 

Proctor Theater Presents: Little Women

Feb 17, 2023 11:13:49 AM

Proctor Theater is proud to present the showing of Little Women, the musical, on Friday, February 17 and Saturday, February 18 at 7:00 pm in the Wilkins Meeting House.

Love Walks: Finding Purpose in Little Moments

Feb 14, 2023 9:14:28 AM

Late last night, Head of School Brian Thomas announced that today would be Head’s Day, an unplanned, surprise day off from school commitments for students. Students get to sleep in, lounge around, go skiing, head to a local restaurant with faculty, or take their time with an extra long workout in the gym. 

Academic Lens: Happiness and Winter

Feb 2, 2023 8:58:41 AM

With temperatures plummeting well below zero over the next two days, we find ourselves in the heart of winter; academic classes, research papers, projects, athletic schedules, and musical rehearsals fill our days and minds. With four weeks until the end of the Winter Term, this stretch of the school year can feel especially challenging for all of us. 

In Pursuit of a Beloved Community: Celebrating Dr. King's Legacy

Jan 16, 2023 9:19:28 PM

We write often about the importance of community, about how we each must play a role in stewarding this place so it is here for future generations. While we do not explicitly reference Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s notion of a Beloved Community, it is precisely that toward which we are striving at Proctor. 

Game Day: The Opportunity to Compete

Jan 11, 2023 10:37:28 PM

In ancient Greece, the advent of modern day sport originated in training young boys to be soldiers. However, over time, sport became a way of connecting to and sharing an appreciation for the humanity of rivals. 

Exodus Ayers '24 Named Gatorade Player of the Year

Jan 9, 2023 9:54:27 AM

In its 38th year of honoring the nation’s best high school athletes, Gatorade today announced Exodus Ayers ‘24 of Proctor Academy is the 2022-23 Gatorade New Hampshire Football Player of the Year. Ayers is the first Gatorade New Hampshire Football Player of the Year to be chosen from Proctor Academy. The award, which recognizes not only outstanding athletic excellence, but also high standards of academic achievement and exemplary character demonstrated on and off the field, distinguishes Ayers as New Hampshire’s best high school football player. 


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