Scott Allenby

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Fresh Starts, Mud Season, and Our Why

Mar 29, 2023 2:32:58 PM

Sunshine and blue skies, with temperatures flirting with 50 degrees, is a good reminder that the stubborn New Hampshire winter is gradually releasing its grip on campus. March is an ugly month around these parts, but as we launch the Spring Term, we jump into classes and spring athletic and afternoon programs with excitement and anticipation. It is a chance to start fresh, and an opportunity to reflect on our “why” as a school. Why do we do what we do, in the way that we do it? 

An Anchor in the Wind: Proctor's Purpose

Mar 27, 2023 8:00:00 AM

During an address to the Board of Trustees on October 9, 1971 in Holland Auditorium second year Head of School David Fowler stated, “Proctor has always been more interested in people and their potential than in test scores. We will continue this policy. What we are trying to make clearer is our personality as a school. Every student must understand what we stand for, who we are, and why we are doing what we are doing.”

Project Period 2023: Pursuing Passions

Mar 23, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Over the course of five days, with more than 35 faculty-sponsored projects across the country,  Proctor Period kicks off our spring trimester at Proctor. Why do we allocate 10% of our Spring Trimester to Project Period? Because we believe deeply in the value of immersion learning, and this week provides an opportunity for us to dive into learning experiences that simply do not fit into our regular academic schedule. 

What the World Needs Now: Connected and Compassionate Adolescents

Mar 14, 2023 12:12:15 PM

As a foot of heavy, wet snow falls on campus today, our dreams of cleared fields and tennis courts for spring sports are delayed for another few weeks. Spring snow storms are a reminder that our vision of how life “should be” and how life “is” are not always aligned. We need to become more comfortable living in this gap, of finding purpose, meaning, and connection in our here and now, rather than wishing we existed in an idealized version of reality. 

Dear Future Proctor Students: Let the Adventure Begin

Mar 9, 2023 4:00:00 PM

Dear Future Hornet, 

You just received an email from our Admissions Office sharing that you were accepted to Proctor for the 2023-2024 school. You will make up an incoming class that is one of the most talented, diverse, curious, and fun groups of students we could imagine. You found Proctor because you and your family believe that there is more to high school than a traditional classroom, and you see Proctor as the place where you want to “do” school differently. 

Proctor Announces Alisa Barnard as New Assistant Head of School

Mar 7, 2023 9:36:41 AM

Proctor Academy is excited to announce Alisa Barnard as its next Assistant Head of School, beginning July 1, 2023. A New Hampshire native and graduate of Colgate University and Harvard Divinity School, Alisa has spent the last nineteen years of her career at her alma mater, St. Paul’s School in Concord, New Hampshire, most recently as the Director of the Advanced Studies Program.

Proctor Athletics: Spring Training Trips 2023

Mar 2, 2023 8:00:00 AM

As we enter the final days of the Winter Term with Spring Break on our minds, more than 100 students and coaches begin preparations for Spring Training trips. Three of our winter teams will continue their seasons, while three spring teams will get an early start on the season ahead. Be sure to follow the adventures of Proctor’s athletic teams over Spring Break below!

Mountain Classroom: The Way Education Should Be

Feb 28, 2023 11:07:09 AM

Proctor Academy's winter 2023 Mountain Classroom program has come to an end after ten weeks of exploring, adventuring, learning, and bonding as a group. The off-campus experience is like none other, pushing students so far outside their comfort zone that individuals learn to rely on each other, and to fully understand the impact of their individual actions on the well-being of the group. 


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