Week of Thankfulness Day 4: Support Staff

Posted by Scott Allenby


Every community is full of unsung heroes whose work is often outside of the spotlight, but nonetheless essential to the overall operations of a complex organization like Proctor. The efforts of Proctor’s Technology team, Housekeeping Department, and Maintenance Department have been the focus of the last three days in our Week of Thankfulness. Today our attention shifts to those individuals who serve in administrative support roles around campus.


The impact of Proctor's support staff reach all corners of campus. Whether it is JoAnn Hicks answering the phone and collecting weekend cards in the main office, Wendy McLeod coordinating non-standard testing and schedules in Learning Skills, Katie Griffiths updating transcripts and organizing college visits in the college counseling office, Faye Okma and Lisa Wood organizing admissions visits and application details, Alex Estin and Heather Drummund running The Store, Susan Currier managing our databases, Jen Hauser and Angela Warn working in the Business Office, Kristy Donaldson orchestrating travel and data entry for the Development Team, Patti Durkin helping run day to day operations in Maxwell Savage, Katelyn Churchill organizing appointments and visits to the Health Center, Lisa Scarry coordinating International Student travel and Student Life initiatives, or Becky Walsh updating schedules, transportation, and the innumerable details associated with running the Athletic Office, Proctor simply would not run without the efforts of these individuals. 


As we enter the final days of the Fall Term, this group of dedicated individuals is already well into the planning phases of the Winter Term, and even the 2017-2018 school year. To our support staff we say, thank you! Thank you for paying attention to details, for setting and holding deadlines, for understanding what information needs to be communicated to others on campus, and for being executive functioning coaches for everyone in the community!


Be sure to leave a comment below expressing your gratitude to our Support Team!  

Click here to read more about our faculty/staff!   


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