As late August arrives, a complete faculty and staff meeting in the Wilkins Meeting House officially kicks off the coming school year. Given the complexity of our respective schedules, rarely are all of the adults in the community in the same room, but this start of year meeting halts all other responsibilities on campus as we gather together to recenter ourselves on Proctor's educational mission and the individual roles we play as we seek to fulfill that mission. During this morning’s meeting, we recognized faculty and staff who have surpassed the 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 year milestones working at Proctor and celebrated the retirement of two iconic members of Proctor Family who have been the ultimate stewards of community over the past four decades: Edna Peters and JoAnn Hicks.
Scott Allenby
Recent Posts
Welcoming New Faculty for 2017-2018
Aug 24, 2017 9:39:54 PMProctor is fortunate to have incredibly low faculty turnover each year, but with bittersweet retirements (we will miss you Brenda, Laurie, Phil, and Susan!) and shifting roles within the school, we are excited to welcome nine new faculty to the community for the 2017-2018 school year. Over the past few days, this group of dynamic, energized educators has enjoyed (we think!) a thorough orientation to all aspects of life at Proctor. With students arriving in just over a week, we asked each of our new faculty to share a few fun facts about themselves. Enjoy!
Behind the Scenes: Campus Summer Projects
Aug 22, 2017 12:04:38 PMEven though students and faculty are away during the summer months, Proctor's campus is far from quiet! In addition to Proctor's Dining Services team and Housekeeping team hosting Gordon Research Conferences all summer, and the Development and Communications teams, Business Office, Technology and Support Staff working hard all summer, Proctor's Maintenance Team jumps into action with campus improvement projects. When combined with significant renovations to the Farrell Field House, the list of summer projects is truly impressive, ranging from major paving projects to significant technology upgrades to irrigation work to refurbishing dormitories and office spaces around campus. Below are just a few of the highlights from the projects on campus!
Unlocking Your Superpowers
Aug 9, 2017 5:12:30 PMDominique Jordan Turner explores poverty as a superpower in her TedX Talk recorded earlier this summer (see video below). Her insights into the skills and strengths obtained by young people growing up in poverty not only prove valuable to us as educators of a diverse student body, but her underlying message applies to all of our students. We all share an understanding that young people need to experience an intersection of belief in their lives in order for learning to take place; belief in themselves, others believing in them, and belief in something bigger than themselves.
Proctor Community: Advice for Day Students at Boarding School
Aug 3, 2017 8:33:26 AMWhen Mrs. Eliza Butterfield gathered with a group of women in the her livingroom on Main Street in the spring of 1848, she shared her strong conviction that the village of Andover needed a school for its growing population of children. Throughout the 20th century, Proctor’s student population shifted to serve primarily boarding students, however, today, more than 90 day students (roughly 25% of the student body) are enrolled for the upcoming school year. Being a day student brings with it obvious benefits, and a unique set of challenges, so we asked our Day Student Leaders for 2017-2018, Sage ‘18 and Lance ‘18, to share insights into the world of being a day student at a boarding school.
An Open Letter from a Proctor Advisor
Jul 26, 2017 1:39:46 PMComprehending the complexity of the role the advisor plays within Proctor’s educational model can only be fully understood once a family has experienced the relationship first hand. We fully recognize this is not the cliche` pitch of "You have to see it to believe it!" prospective families want to hear, but we feel strongly the only way to fully appreciate the role of the Proctor advisor in your life is to live it yourself. In the meantime, here is an open letter to incoming families from a Proctor advisor.
Joining the Proctor Community: Putting Apathy Aside
Jul 19, 2017 9:59:04 PMEarlier this week, we published the 2017-2018 Greenbook (Proctor’s Student Handbook) and sent a series of permission forms to parents to complete in advance of the upcoming school year. This process takes place each summer, both for returning and new families, and serves as an important acknowledgement of the rules, expectations, and boundaries essential to sustaining the Proctor community. The temptation for some might be to glance over the forms, identify where to sign or initial, and click submit. To check the box and move on with summer plans. Our hope is this process is a bit more intentional because we recognize joining a community, especially a community like Proctor, is not something you should take lightly.
The Intersection of Wonder and Rigor
Jul 12, 2017 12:09:25 PMEach July, Blackbaud K-12 hosts a user conference in Boston that draws educators from around the country together to discuss technology, learning, and the tools we use to help our students unlock their worlds around them. Last year’s keynote speaker, Julie Lythcott-Hames, inspired THIS BLOG POST on how we need to help our parents raise adults, rather than children. Today’s keynote by Dr. Natalie Nixon of Figure 8 Design Thinking sparked an inspired conversation on the future of learning in our society.