Tom Morgan

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Marking the Changing of Seasons with Applesauce

Oct 11, 2015 11:16:00 AM

As September inches into October, early fall resonates across campus in emphatic, brisky sneakers rushing to and from class, in NFL Sports Center highlights reverberating from the Wise, in the Dining Hall’s purple carrots and midnight kale, in Mike Koenig’s perennial SAT announcements.

Community: Sustainable Dining

May 5, 2015 8:30:00 AM

Here at Proctor, our decisions are guided by a robust Environmental Mission Statement. Written by Proctor Environmental Action (PEA) students and adopted with the full support of the Proctor faculty in 2008, the Environmental Mission Statement has been instrumental in guiding us in significantly reducing our use of fossil fuels, dramatically increasing our generation of alternative energy, and strengthening our environmental education program. From Housekeeping to Athletics to the Science Department, every aspect of the school is touched in some way by this statement, including the food served in the Cannon Dining Hall.

Academic Lens: Introducing Our Environmental Studies Concentration

Jan 8, 2015 8:30:00 AM

At the beginning of the winter term, Proctor began accepting students into the newly-created Environmental Studies Concentration, an interdisciplinary program of study designed for students who are passionate about environmental issues and the natural world. 

Proctor Walks the Talk: People's Climate March

Sep 19, 2014 9:00:00 AM

At 3:45 Sunday morning a group of 40 students and faculty will leave Proctor’s Stone Table bound for a day of peaceful protest at The People’s Climate March in New York City. Driven by the efforts of Eco Dorm and Proctor Environmental Action, the group will join hundreds of schools, environmental and labor groups, scientists, and community organizations in what is being billed as the largest climate change demonstration in history. 


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