European Art Classroom: Parents Welcome

Feb 5, 2020 11:00:00 AM

Birds are chirping, music is playing, and it is currently 64 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze coming from 200 degrees south of Vauvengares. The bright, fluid aquamarine colored pool appears so inviting… until you jump in, which our entire group did on Monday after our somewhat sweat breaking body pump with Dave. Did we regret it? No. Would we do it again? Potentially.

European Art Classroom: Gathering at the Table

Jan 20, 2020 8:28:54 PM

Proctor's European Art Classroom is preparing for an excursion to Paris, and in the meantime shares a window into their daily life in Aix-en-Provence as the group of eight students and two faculty settle into a routine. Enjoy photos from Dave and Vienna, and Tori's reflections on the importance of this group sitting for dinner together each night. 

European Art Classroom: The Journey up the Tête

Jan 13, 2020 4:53:03 PM

European Art Classroom, Proctor's term-long art immersion program based in Aix-en-Provence, France enters their second week of living and creating abroad. Read Nikki's realistic mini-story and enjoy the photos taken by European Art Classroom co-director , Dave Fleming, and Kaley "Gwyneth - Lady Guinevere" '20.

European Art Classroom: Portugal and Farewell

May 20, 2019 8:56:21 AM

As we finished our last week in Vauvenargues and Aix we are starting to realize that the term is coming to an end. A scary thought appeared in our minds and reality slapped us in the face: Even though we as a group are still going to talk, we are not going to see each other everyday.

European Art Classroom: A Visitor and Belgium

May 7, 2019 8:44:49 AM

As mid-term quietly passes, we had a special  guest coming from Proctor-- Jill! As Dave jokes “New Hampshire people always bring New Hampshire weather with them…” Jill arrived on a cloudy day in Provence.

European Art Classroom: Parents, The Sea, Art and Easter

Apr 24, 2019 2:41:45 PM

Life is unpredictable in this world, but everyone does what they need to do to keep moving forward. Andrea was leader this week and she took it upon herself to make breakfast for everyone - every morning.

European Art Classroom: Vienna in Spring

Apr 15, 2019 2:47:01 PM

From the language, to the food, to the architecture, Vienna was vastly different from our normal stomping grounds of Aix-en-Provence. 

European Art Classroom: Getting Comfortable

Apr 9, 2019 8:57:03 AM

This week in Vauvenargues/Aix zoomed by quicker than a frequent rider of Provence’s public bus system could warble out a “merci, au revoir”, whilst flinging themselves off the bus and out onto the street.


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