European Art Classroom: Art History and Cultural Context

Jan 27, 2021 8:10:49 AM

European/Southwest Art Classroom continues to immerse themselves in both the practical and theoretical study of art as they live and learn in the American Southwest this winter. Eight students, two faculty, a van, easels, and paint exploring the countryside, the urban landscapes, and investing their whole selves into this once in a lifetime experience of living in community. Read more from Euro/Southwest Classroom below!

European Art Classroom: Arizona Week Two

Jan 19, 2021 8:30:00 AM

Although we are not on the cobbled streets of Europe, we find immense beauty in the natural world of central Arizona.

European Art Classroom - Arizona Week One

Jan 11, 2021 3:08:26 PM

Over the last decade, Proctor Academy's European Art Classroom program has provided hundreds of students the opportunity to immerse themselves in an art colony in the south of France. With COVID-19 shutting down international travel, program directors Dave and Jen Fleming reinvented the art immersion program stateside. Retaining the essence of the European Art Classroom experience (shared meals, plein air painting, art history and culture classes, art journals, sketchbooks, and living in community), the Southwest Art Classroom experience is underway in Arizona. Enjoy this brief update from Pheobe '21! 

European Art Classroom: Together, We Are

Apr 8, 2020 9:16:10 PM

Life is unpredictable. If you told us that this spring we would not be in France teaching but instead writing this blog from our unheated shop, turned into quarantine home in western Washington State, it would be hard to believe. Our son and his wife live in the house and Jen and I are quarantining. We all have social distancing stories to share I'm sure - here's ours. 

European Art Classroom: W'20 Farewell

Mar 2, 2020 7:26:59 PM

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” -Gail Sheehy

European Art Classroom: Craft and Art

Feb 24, 2020 8:15:00 AM

This is our last week at home before heading to Florence for the final trip. It’s a week of wrapping up personal works, finishing our term long book project, and enjoying the last cups of Chocolat Viennois from Le Festival, the café where we have Literature class.

European Art Classroom: Munich, no wait! Belgium Instead!

Feb 18, 2020 8:00:00 AM

To be blunt…This week was kinda crazy. There we were, at home in Aix, giggling over our German lessons and researching cool things to do during our free time in Munich with little success to find anything better than an apparently sub-par aquarium when right under our nose, Storm Ciara was raging her way across northern Europe.

European Art Classroom: Painting & Picnics

Feb 11, 2020 1:29:01 PM

From Nikki you have heard of the Tête, which towers above our home here in Vauvenargues. From Tori you have heard of our custom napkins and pre-dinner traditions. you ever wonder what happens when we venture outside of Vauvenarges? 


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