Week of Thankfulness Day 4: Support Staff

Nov 17, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Every community is full of unsung heroes whose work is often outside of the spotlight, but nonetheless essential to the overall operations of a complex organization like Proctor. The efforts of Proctor’s Technology team, Housekeeping Department, and Maintenance Department have been the focus of the last three days in our Week of Thankfulness. Today our attention shifts to those individuals who serve in administrative support roles around campus.

Week of Thankfulness Day 3: Maintenance Department

Nov 16, 2016 8:00:00 AM

As we head into Thanksgiving Break, we are sharing a few thoughts on what we’re thankful for here at Proctor. We encourage you to extend your gratitude to the members of the community who positively impact your life as well! 

Week of Thankfulness Day 2: Housekeeping Department

Nov 15, 2016 8:00:00 AM

If you drive by campus around 3:00 am, lights will be on throughout academic buildings. Most of us don’t drive by at 3:00 am, so we do not notice the work being done by our Housekeeping team each night/early morning in preparation for the day ahead. Today, we extend our gratitude to the dedicated group of women whose hard work for Proctor’s Housekeeping Department is so very much appreciated.

Week of Thankfulness Day 1: Technology Team and Livestream

Nov 14, 2016 8:41:52 AM

Over the next five days heading into Thanksgiving Break, we will be sharing a few thoughts on what we’re thankful for here at Proctor. We encourage you to extend your gratitude to the members of the community who positively impact your life as well! 


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