Community: Proctor Ski Area Celebration, Alumni Hockey Game, Board Weekend and Head's Day!

Feb 13, 2017 11:30:27 AM

The past 72 hours have been among the busiest of the year! Proctor's Board of Trustees gathered on campus for their February Board Meeting, we welcomed alumni back for our annual Alumni Hockey Game, hosted a record-setting American Cancer Society Fundraiser in the Teddy Maloney '88 Hockey Rink, celebrated skiing at Proctor with the 10th Annual Proctor Ski Area Event, hosted back to back ski races, and hunkered down as Winter Storm Orson hammered campus all day Sunday. Today, we (thankfully) are able to downshift and enjoy Head's Day! Check out a recap of the weekend in images below! 

Proctor Athletics: Student Ski Patrollers

Feb 6, 2017 9:23:49 AM

The athletic schedule for Proctor Academy during the winter gets very hectic with all the winter sports happening. One place that gets especially busy is the Proctor Ski Area. With ski practices and races happening several times a week, the Ski Patrol team carries a large amount of responsibility to care for the ski hill and teams. As Proctor’s USSA/FIS, Nordic, alpine, and freeride teamsrace, compete, and practice, often capturing most of the athletics headlines during the winter months, a dedicated group of ski patrollers are quietly supporting Proctor’s 200 on-snow athletes and their endeavors at the Proctor Ski Area.

Top Ten Proctor Videos of 2016

Dec 29, 2016 8:00:00 AM

There are countless moments that define a school year. We try to capture as many as possible on video in order to share them with those in our greater Proctor Family. As 2016 winds down and we gear up for all that 2017 has in store for us, we share with you the Top 10 most viewed videos of 2016. Many thanks, as always, to the talented Ethney McMahon P'16, '20 for sharing her videography and editing talents with our team. Enjoy!

Summer Service 2017: Expand Your Horizons

Nov 30, 2016 8:00:00 AM

If you ask Proctor alumni to describe the most profound experience of their lives, they will most likely discuss a memory from one of Proctor’s five off-campus programs. Over the past five years, Proctor has expanded its off-campus experience to include two-week long summer service trips around the world. This summer Proctor will sponsor two Summer Service Trips: Guatemala and Rosebud, South Dakota. Learn more about these remarkable experiences below!

Proctor Academy Earth Day 2016

Apr 28, 2016 3:43:18 PM

Each spring, Proctor celebrates Earth Day with an entire day dedicated to learning, experiencing, and loving the natural world around us. While we don't observe Earth Day on the official day, the impact of our celebration on our community is very real.

A Global Impact: Summer Service Trips 2016

Dec 2, 2015 1:00:00 PM

Each summer Proctor students and faculty travel to connect with communities around the globe. Summer Service trips to Guatemala and Southeast Asia are once again planned for Summer 2016, and we cannot wait to see the impact of these service trips on both the communities and our students involved.

Special Olympics Rail Trail Rally: Core Values in Action

Sep 27, 2015 8:49:30 PM

The Profile of a Proctor Graduate describes the traits we hope each graduate possesses as they leave Proctor and move into other communities. In order to take these characteristics with them, students must first be exposed to how they are put into action here. Today was a day driven by core values as the effort of students, faculty, and staff allowed Proctor to serve as the host to the 2nd Annual Rail Trail Rally.

Summer Service: Some Things Are Sweeter Than Chocolate

Jun 25, 2015 9:07:00 AM

Proctor's Summer Service trip to Guatemala spent two weeks in La Limonada and Antigua volunteering, learning about Guatemalan culture, and bonding as a group. Katie Ball '17 shared this post on the group's blog. Take time to read her words, you will not be sorry! 


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