European Art Classroom: Winter 2019 Bienvenue!

Jan 14, 2019 8:27:19 PM

It is a new year which entails a whopping birth to a fantastic new European Art Classroom! Although there were some scares with baggage at the airport, we eventually arrived safe and sound to our new home for the winter trimester. Adjusting to a new country with a new language seemed intimidating at first, but as we continue to take French classes, we slowly are becoming more comfortable exploring nearby towns on our own.

European Art Classroom: Holland and Farewell

May 22, 2018 11:14:32 AM

Seeing as this is, unfortunately, the last blog post of the term, everyone is going to be contributing a paragraph about our experience on the whole. And seeing as it was finals week last week, I need to cover two weeks in a short space of time. As a result, I am going to focus on my highlights, instead of a meticulous chronological run through.

European Art Classroom: Personal Breakthroughs Preparing for Vienna

May 3, 2018 7:45:00 AM

Jacob '18 shares thoughts on European Art Classroom's journey this spring, both on a personal level and as artists, as they prepare for a week in Vienna. Read more and check out student artwork below!  

European Art Classroom: Parent's Weekend 2018

Apr 24, 2018 4:47:57 PM

Proctor's European Art Classroom program welcomed parents to Aix-en-Provence as the group surpassed the mid-point in their trimester abroad. Read more from Emilia '18 below!

European Art Classroom: Seville, Spain

Apr 17, 2018 9:16:05 AM

Proctor Academy's European Art Classroom met up with Proctor en Segovia last week. Check out photos, video, and reflections from their visit to Seville as Sarah '18 shares a window into their journey. 

European Art Classroom: Poetry in Motion

Apr 12, 2018 8:00:00 AM

As we celebrate National Poetry Month here in the States, Proctor Academy's European Art Classroom reflects on week three studying abroad in France in poem. Enjoy this piece from Rhyanne '18! 

European Art Classroom: Welcome to Spring 2018

Apr 3, 2018 10:47:01 AM

Proctor Academy's European Art Classroom has arrived in Aix-en-Provence, France and jumped with two feet into their term abroad studying art history, painting, sketching, and traveling Europe. Enjoy Pilar's reflections from the first two weeks of the term in this week's blog. 

European Art Classroom: Winter 2018 Prague and Farewell

Mar 5, 2018 12:11:03 PM

European Art Classroom or "Euro" is all about intensive study, intensive together-living  and complete immersion within the arts. The arts we see, the arts we make and the constant natural and human made beauty we simply discover daily by accident.  Just prior to flying to Prague, we visited St. Rémy in order to say good bye to Vincent van Gogh and the hallowed ground where he painted Starry Night among many other great paintings. Finally, our adventure to the Czeck Republic. Towards the blog's end there are final reflections from each of the artists. Enjoy.


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