After a week of unexpected obstacles and quick pivots, Proctor Academy's Ocean Classroom program began their journey south with a high winds passage through the Cape Cod Canal as they sailed toward New Bedford, MA. Morale is high on board Harvey Gamage as students begin to fully appreciate and understand what it means to live and learn at sea. Read more from the past week on Ocean Classroom below.
Ocean Classroom: Heading South
Oct 6, 2021 10:48:29 PMProctor Academy's Ocean Classroom program enters their fourth week at sea aboard the schooner Harvey Gamage. As students engage in classes, begin to get headrig clearance, and learn the ins and outs of life at sea, the crew prepares to head out of the waters of coastal Maine and begin their journey south where warmer weather and new adventures await! Read more from the past week aboard Harvey Gamage below!
Ocean Classroom: Exploring Maine
Sep 30, 2021 8:00:00 AMProctor Academy’s Ocean Classroom voyage continues their exploration of the waters off the coast of Maine as students familiarize themselves with the tasks required of operating the Harvey Gamage. Students share daily voyage log reflections from the past week at sea. Read more below. A huge shout out to Gunnar '22 and Holly for their amazing photography and for helping to document OC '21.
Proctor en Segovia: New Beginnings in Spain
Sep 28, 2021 12:09:49 PMProctor en Segovia has returned for the 2021-2022 school year under new directors Ellie and Luis Mendoza. After their first three weeks abroad, students have settled into a routine with their host families, in their Spanish, literature, and history classes, and recently completed an excursion to Basque Country. Read student essays from their first few weeks living and learning abroad below.
Ocean Classroom: Anchors Away to the Gulf of Maine
Sep 22, 2021 11:15:21 AMEach week, or as often as we are able, we will share a Ship’s Log from Harvey Gamage capturing the essence of Proctor’s Ocean Classroom program. Each student will take a day to share a brief journal entry highlighting the excitement of living and learning at sea. Check out the first week of journal entries below as Ocean Classroom 2021 begins their voyage.
Ocean Classroom 2021 Sets Sail
Sep 16, 2021 10:05:11 PMShrouded in clouds and misty skies, the rigging of the Harvey Gamage framed the backdrop of Boston’s skyline to the west of Moakley Dock. Flapping aloft was a well worn Proctor flag, the same flag that flew above Gamage decades ago when it first hosted Proctor students. Each of the 28 send-offs for Ocean Classroom has been different, each special in its own way. While final hugs between the twenty-one students and their families could not happen due to COVID-19 protocols, the excitement and anticipation of the voyage ahead was evident.
Ocean Classroom 2021: The Harvey Gamage Returns
Sep 9, 2021 9:57:52 AMProctor Academy is delighted to announce a shift in fall 2021 Ocean Classroom programming aboard the Harvey Gamage of Sailing Ships Maine. For the past 28 years, Proctor’s term-long Ocean Classroom program has exposed high school students to the joys and challenges of life at sea, with the World Ocean School and its schooner Roseway serving as a key partner in providing the Ocean Classroom experience for the past seven years. Due to an unexpected turn of events, Roseway is unable to host Proctor’s Ocean Classroom experience this fall. Proctor made a rapid shift to partner with Sailing Ships Maine and the Harvey Gamage for the fall trimester program.
Almost a Half-Century in Spain: An Update on Proctor en Segovia
Jul 16, 2021 2:00:24 PMDuring my recent trip to Spain and since arriving on campus in Andover this week, I have been reflecting on Proctor's off-campus programs and the way these programs complement, support, and naturally extend from on-campus academics and activities. In our little corner of Segovia, Spain, where Proctor operates an off-campus linguistic and cultural immersion program, life seems to move at a slower pace, providing a natural opportunity for reflection and introspection.