Proctor Athletics: Embracing a New Normal

Sep 20, 2020 9:36:13 PM

As we conclude our first week back at Proctor, there remains a cloak of uncertainty over the campus. Although students and faculty alike are as connected as ever, the current state of the school in regards to COVID-19 is new to everyone. Faculty and Staff spent the better part of the summer planning every aspect of school in hopes that we would be able to return to in-person academics this fall. Aside from classes, one of the staples of Proctor life needed to be adjusted as well: afternoon activities. 

Academic Lens: Depth of Learning and Academic Concentrations

Jun 15, 2020 9:46:30 AM

Born out of our belief that our deepest learning comes from a synthesis of all aspects of the Proctor experience, the Academic Concentration Program affords students an opportunity to weave content, independent research, internships, off-campus programs, and on-campus courses into a cohesive learning experience. 

Class of 2020: Pursuing the Arts in College

Jun 10, 2020 12:46:12 PM

Journalism student Sophie Lyras '21 published the following interviews with graduating seniors pursuing the arts in college in the final edition of The Hornet's Nest, Proctor's student newspaper, at the end of May. Each graduating class from Proctor possesses a unique personality, fueled by their diverse passions and talents. For the six graduates interviewed below, their experiences with the arts at Proctor laid a foundation for future studies and a lifetime of enjoyment through the arts. Thank you, Sophie, for sharing these interviews with us! 

Class of 2020: Awards and Recognitions

Jun 8, 2020 1:11:33 PM

 Each graduating class leaves a distinct impact on our school based on their personality and the collective journey that unfolded during their four years at Proctor. For the Class of 2020, that journey, shaped heavily by a remote Spring Term due to COVID-19, was as unique as any class in the school's 172 year history and culminated in the school's first ever virtual Commencement ceremony. 

Proctor Arts: Spring Virtual Art Show 2020

May 26, 2020 6:42:32 AM

The end of each trimester at Proctor celebrates the collective work of students enrolled in art classes. Usually, we gather in the Wilkins Meeting House before the spring musical to peruse the art, gently run our hands over the sculptures, woodworking pieces, and marvel at the creativity of our students across disciplines. But like everything else this spring, our celebration of student artwork must take a slightly different form.

The Hornet's Nest: A Tribute to Seniors

May 25, 2020 1:37:50 PM

Over the past three months we have done our best to share an open window into life on Proctor’s campus during COVID-19, and we could not have shared the stories we have without the help of our Journalism class. As we head into the final week of the 2019-2020 school year, Journalism students share a final edition of The Hornet’s Nest featuring a fitting send-off to our seniors and a few of our departing faculty and staff. Read an excerpt from “From Freshman to Senior: Lessons Learned” below and check out the entire edition online. 

Academic Lens: The Senior Project Experience

May 14, 2020 12:26:07 PM

Like everything else this spring, Proctor's Senior Project program had to shift in response to coronavirus-induced remote learning. The two and a half-week immersion program serves as a capstone experience for the majority of seniors each spring, with activities ranging from internships in metropolitan areas to wood working projects to cross country adventures. 

Academic Lens: The Hornet's Nest

Apr 28, 2020 11:04:20 AM

Like all classes this spring, Peter Southworth’s Journalism students have shifted their approach to publishing their school newspaper, The Hornet’s Nest. The virtual interviews, polls, and storytelling required of this project paralleled the in person process honed by the class during the first two trimesters, however, the compilation of this digital version as an entirely remote team required a significant evolution of those skills. Check out the full edition at the link below, and read on to explore two feature stories. 



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