Scott Allenby

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Academic Lens: 2018 Underclass Awards - Recognizing Effort and Excellence

May 14, 2018 3:19:24 PM

Monday's assembly marked the beginning of the end of the 2017-2018 school year as academic departments presented underclass awards. As Head of School Mike Henriques mentioned in his opening comments of the assembly, our students have invested incredible effort and energy into their academic pursuits at Proctor this year. While we wish we could publicly acknowledge each of our student's individual growth, today's awards assembly recognized a handful of students whose performance and effort stands out as truly excellent. Congratulations to each of this year's underclass award winners listed below! 

Culture of Support: Understanding How Leaders Grow

May 8, 2018 9:18:37 AM

This past weekend was the fourth and final meeting of Proctor’s Board of Trustees for the fiscal year. In addition to approving the budget, discussing upcoming Campaign for Proctor initiatives, understanding the ever-changing dynamics of the boarding school admissions market, ensuring they are meeting their fiduciary responsibility with regard to financial decisions the school makes, the Board has a responsibility to ensure Head of School Mike Henriques and Proctor’s faculty and staff are best serving each of our students. It’s a remarkable leadership responsibility, and despite the frequent laughter from the Proctor Room over the weekend, is not a responsibility this group takes lightly.

Proctor Community: Antidote to Loneliness

May 3, 2018 2:57:39 PM

April flood waters from the Blackwater River have gradually receded in response to this week's sunshine as spring peepers scream “pick me pick me” from the wetlands surrounding campus.  As I jogged across Carr Field toward the nearly full moon cresting the eastern horizon behind Gannett House during a post dinner run last night, an uncharacteristic summer-like humidity hung in the air. The peepers' relentless calls drowned out U2's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" playing on my headphones. I strained to hear Bono’s lyrical spiritual journey as I reflected on the dichotomy of the lack of isolation I feel in my existence at Proctor and that which is clearly felt by the vast majority of individuals in our society.

Proctor Arts: Visiting Art Exhibits Spring 2018

May 2, 2018 10:46:19 AM

Proctor Academy is thrilled to welcome the artwork of Jordan Thompson '01 and Emily White Hat '94, P'14 to campus as we celebrate Native American Alumni weekend. Jordan and Emily's work is displayed in the Fowler Learning Center, complementing another on-campus exhibit in the Brown Dining Commons by former parent and trustee, Bill Peabody's P'82, '86, Honorary Trustee collection. We invite you to join us in celebrating the work of Bill on Friday, May 4 at 12:30 pm in the dining commons and the work of Emily and Jordan on Saturday, May 5 at 6:30 pm in the Lovejoy Library. Learn more about this talented group of artists below.

Spring Family Weekend 2018: Schedule and Details

Apr 25, 2018 9:21:08 AM

Spring Family Weekend is here! Regardless of what the weather decides to do, having the opportunity to connect with parents and share the great work our students are doing this spring always proves fruitful. Find links to all of the important information needed to make the most of the weekend ahead, and do not hesitate to reach out with questions!

Academic Lens: Nurturing Mental Fortitude

Apr 23, 2018 4:39:05 PM

I’m a planner; always have been, and despite the constant encouragement of colleagues to embrace spontaneity, probably always will be. I like to know ahead of time what is on the day’s agenda (and may or may not have a compulsion to lay my clothes out for the following day each night before falling asleep). It’s, as chemistry teacher Ian Hamlet says, “Just how my operating system works.” As such, Sunday evenings are spent looking at the week ahead and planning what Proctor narratives will emerge given scheduled events. Off-campus program blogs, Mike’s Notes, Team Spotlights, guest posts by faculty or staff all laid out in a nice orderly fashion so our team can see what gaps may exist as we try to help share the Proctor story with others.

Proctor Athletics: Girls' Lacrosse Team Spotlight 2018

Apr 18, 2018 1:50:06 PM

With more than a half dozen alumni competing at the collegiate level, Proctor’s girls’ varsity lacrosse program has consistently produced athletes who understand the physical and mental components of the game. During a spring season that has seen more practice days with snow than sun, that mental fortitude has been incredibly important. Coming off three straight losses, the girls look to rebound today when they host Hebron Academy at 4:30 PM on Farrell Field.

Proctor Athletics: Boys' Lacrosse Team Spotlight

Apr 11, 2018 12:40:30 PM

A cold, snowy April has added additional challenges to Proctor’s boys’ varsity lacrosse team this spring as the group works to find its identity under first year head coach, Travis Glennon, assistant coach Hunter Churchill ‘01, and captains Sam Fulton ‘18 and Lance Crate ‘18. Graduating twelve seniors off last year’s roster, the team knew the transitions that lay ahead would bring with it equal parts opportunity and challenge.



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