Euro/Southwest Classroom: Back from Sedona and the Grand Canyon

May 11, 2021 8:00:00 AM

The air is stale and the heat is unbearable. We drive through the main street of Sedona passing by an array of outdoor shops that all seem to sell the same five goods including palm readings, psychics, and crystals. Interspersed is a series of restaurants and cafes with prices that make airports seem cheap.

European/Southwest Art Classroom: Art Sketch Reflections

May 4, 2021 8:18:19 AM

Buckle up, its a long one… (Not bad, just long) 

A collection of memories and stories, laughter and light. Pages full of where you sat and who you met. And yes, the drawings are made up of scribbles and wonky lines. And yes, the colors blend in an unfavorable manner and the pencil smudges in lines across the page. To the eye of a stranger they are idle sketches, quite possibly a collection of nothingness. A graphite mountain stretches a small amount of the papers space, labeled “Mountains at Sunset” and a little frog who looks, mushy?? What could they mean to anyone? Each infantile sketch ignites a memory that would otherwise fade.

European Southwest Classroom: Our First Voyage

Apr 27, 2021 11:21:35 AM

Sonoita. Historically, the word originates from the O’odham language and translates to “spring field”an ironic assessment, seeing as none of us witnessed a drop of fresh water during our five-day excursion. 

European Southwest Classroom: Goes to Scottsdale

Apr 20, 2021 8:25:26 AM

We’re sitting across the kitchen island sketching each other’s portraits. It's 1:37 a.m. This is the first time I've had my portrait drawn. I’ve had a lot of firsts this past week.

European /Southwest Art Classroom: Exploring our Area

Apr 14, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Our second week in Arizona went by really fast. We spent almost every night sitting around the dining room table working on our Art History book project and painting almost everyday.

European/Southwest Art Classroom: Launching Spring 2021

Apr 6, 2021 8:54:48 AM

Going with European (Southwest) Art program has been the best decision of my entire Proctor career so far. Ten of us, Beth, Caroline, Dave, Jules, Jen, Maeve, Maxx, Stella, Toby, and I, all live in a beautiful house where the magnificent landscape is right on our doorsteps.

Academic Concentration Program Spotlight: Beth Deslauriers '21

Mar 25, 2021 10:39:57 AM

The creative studies concentration provides added perspectives for students who are passionate about the arts by requiring them to engage in multiple artistic disciplines throughout their time at Proctor. As a prolific studio artist and 3 year junior, Beth jumped into the Winter drama performance her junior year and stuck with the challenge making a fantastic impact on stage. For her capstone she returns to her visual art to create dozens of surreal portraits inspired by reclaimed glass she collected along the East River while in quarantine. This was a shift from the oils and markers Beth used to create portraits previously. 

Proctor Drama Presents: Peter and the Star Catcher

Mar 4, 2021 10:23:49 PM

For Proctor’s drama department, it has been exactly one year since students last took the stage. With the annual spring musical canceled due to Covid-19 last spring, director Jen Summers is thrilled her company will produce Peter and the Star Catcher this week for the community. An extended production run over four nights this week has provided the cast and crew the invaluable feedback of a live audience, something every performer and lover of the performing arts has missed over the past year. 



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