Academic Concentrations: Camden Fletcher '21 and STEM

Apr 2, 2021 2:00:55 PM

Proctor's STEM Academic Concentration allows students with a passion for the sciences, tech, engineering and/or math to put it all together. Camden Fletcher has the honor of completing the first Proctor Academic Concentration in the STEM track and he did an incredible job. Not only did he achieve specific target competencies but he did so in spite of seemingly endless COVID challenges.

Evolving Technology: Preparing Proctor for the Future

Jul 14, 2020 10:00:00 AM

Central to Proctor’s mission and Profile of a Proctor Graduate is the belief that collaboration sits at the core of all we do. Knowing how to work alongside peers, to share expertise, to work toward a common goal, these skills will serve our students well beyond their high school years. 

Symptoms of Disconnect and Proctor's Remedy

Sep 17, 2019 10:19:59 PM

The constant pressure of social comparisons and curating our own digital reality weighs on us. As we work to build a healthy environment for adolescents to thrive, we must look beyond seeing technology as a cause of anxiety and instead view it as a symptom of the underlying struggle so many of us face today: true connection and meaning. 

Mike's Notes: Plugging into the Network

Sep 7, 2018 8:02:56 AM

Thursday evening I hit the trail to drop in on a Wilderness Orientation group. It was getting dark, but I knew where the group had camped along the Pond Brook Trail in the Sandwich Wilderness. I knew the swimming holes, knew the rerouted section, knew the waterfalls. I jogged up through a tree farm a little after 6:30 pm. The sun had dropped down behind the Sandwich Range, and where the Guinea Pond trail angled left, I hooked a right on the Bennett Street trail to run along Pond Brook in the softening light. The dog stitched back and forth through the pines, and after a mile or two I caught the sound of laughter against the brook. It was Patty Pond and Lori Patriacca’s ‘01 group.

Academic Lens: Don't Take a Picture, You Might Lose Your Soul

Sep 6, 2018 8:00:00 AM

It is a refrain from a song written by my brother, Trent Wagler, and performed by his band The Steel Wheels. The song, based on stories from our grandfather, presents the challenges faced by a young person growing up in the Amish church. The Amish, famous for their buggies, bonnets, baking and furniture are a sect of anabaptists who broke off from the Mennonites in the late 17th century.

Faculty/Staff Profile: Jim Cox P'13, '16

Jul 6, 2018 11:39:36 AM

No one is having a busier summer than Jim Cox, our Director of Technology and Information Services. With the installation of a new phone system and regular technology maintenance issues, the past month has been non-stop work for Jim and his tech team. A member of the Proctor community since 1990 when he first served as a Mountain Classroom instructor, Jim has played a vital role in the evolution of our technology integration and use on campus over the past 30 years. Each week throughout the school year, we feature a faculty/staff profile in our weekly Parent Page and will start sharing some of those profiles to a larger audience this summer. Read about Jim's Proctor experience and the technological changes that have occurred during his time at Proctor in the interview below!

Academic Lens: 2018 Underclass Awards - Recognizing Effort and Excellence

May 14, 2018 3:19:24 PM

Monday's assembly marked the beginning of the end of the 2017-2018 school year as academic departments presented underclass awards. As Head of School Mike Henriques mentioned in his opening comments of the assembly, our students have invested incredible effort and energy into their academic pursuits at Proctor this year. While we wish we could publicly acknowledge each of our student's individual growth, today's awards assembly recognized a handful of students whose performance and effort stands out as truly excellent. Congratulations to each of this year's underclass award winners listed below! 

Mike's Notes: Right Sizing Technology Part 3 

Apr 6, 2018 8:48:15 AM

I was in Maine this week, in Freeport, for an appointment to see an old friend. We’d set up the meeting a couple of weeks ago. She was someone who I had worked with years ago, in the late 90s at LL Bean, and today is the Chief Human Resources Officer at the company. She is someone wise with a quick wit, ready to laugh or share a world of experience. I see her as a friend even though we hadn’t seen each other in over 15 years. No Facebook connections, no instagram feed.


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